The best Exosuit for Exoprimal, tier list and tips

An Exoprimal tier list to help you decide which Exosuit to choose for raining dinosaurs and serious combat, as well as tips for each one.

The best Exosuit for Exoprimal, tier list and tips
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

An Exoprimal Tier List: The Best Exosuits for Raining Dinosaurs

Are you wondering which Exosuit to pick in Exoprimal? The main attraction of the game is, of course, the ability to rain down dinosaurs onto the enemy. But in order to rain effectively and win, you need to have a balanced approach to choosing your loadout and understanding how to counter the enemy team’s Exosuits. Knowing which Exosuit to pick for your playstyle is just one piece of the puzzle, as you’ll also need to understand how to counter each one and manage your own team’s abilities.

There are currently 20 Exosuits in Exoprimal, and while some of them have distinct roles, such as Murasame, who is considered the best for fun factor thanks to his cool looks and versatile grappling hook, there are many viable options across the free PC game’s roles. To help you get started, here is a list of the best Exosuits in Exoprimal, as well as tips on how to use and counter them.


The robot samurai Exosuit Murasame is ranked at the top for fun factor, thanks to his cool looks and versatile grappling hook. However, using Murasame’s tricky kit, which includes parrying attacks, can be challenging compared to other options for tanking. Murasame’s abilities are:


The sniper archetype Exosuit Vigilant excels at picking off enemies from a vantage point, but struggles in defending or playing the PVE mode. Vigilant’s abilities are:


Zephyr’s melee kit is fun, as you can knock up multiple dinosaurs with her giant fan, but the key to using her effectively is to have a focused healer. Without one, you will be overwhelmed by larger enemies. Zephyr’s abilities are:


The support Exosuit Skywave has a difficult movement style but offers the ability to fly and hover out of harm’s way, making her valuable in a melee-heavy game. Skywave’s abilities are:


Witchdoctor is a pure support Exosuit with healing abilities, stunning attacks, and great movement tools. The problem with Witchdoctor is that you will often feel like dead weight if you are not surrounded by allies who need healing or protection.


Roadblock is a tank Exosuit with the ability to push enemies away and protect fragile cargo. However, you need to be careful not to push enemies out of allies’ abilities and also has a vulnerable backside. Roadblock’s abilities are:


The default Exosuit Deadeye is a well-rounded pick for beginners with a versatile basic attack and grenades that can handle all kinds of dinosaurs. The only downside is that the visual effects can be overwhelming at times. Deadeye’s abilities are:


Krieger is a damage-dealing Exosuit with durability and a tank ability that creates a defensive dome. Due to this, Krieger is essential in any team. Krieger’s abilities are:


Nimbus is a support Exosuit with the ability to heal and deal damage. She offers a lot of utility, but her great mobility and a simple kit to master make her a valuable asset with any team. Nimbus’ abilities are:


Barrage is best suited for killing large numbers of enemies quickly, thanks to his reliance on explosives. Using him effectively in wargames, or in modes such as the Siege where large numbers of enemies spawn, is a great way to annihilate hordes of raptors. Barrage’s abilities are:

His final ability allows him to rocket towards enemies and explode, dealing massive damage and creating a satisfying experience.

And that’s our Exoprimal tier list of the best Exosuits and tips on how to counter them. For more on the dinosaur game that’s taking over Twitch, check out our Exoprimal review.

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