The true Great Pirate Era began long before Roger was executed

The Great Pirate Era in One Piece: A Look at the Formidable Pirates Who Came Before Roger

The true Great Pirate Era began long before Roger was executed
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Great Pirate Era in One Piece: A Look at the Formidable Pirates Who Came Before Roger

The Great Pirate Era is commonly associated with the execution of Gol D. Roger, the former king of all pirates who was brought to justice by the Marines. The mere mention of his name conjures up images of the grand adventures and epic battles of One Piece’s Golden Age. But what many fans may not realize is that this era of powerful pirates is not the only era of legendary pirates in the manga and anime series.

In One Piece, the term ‘Great Pirate Era’ generally refers to the period of time that began after Roger was executed. While this may have marked the starting point of this era, the anime and manga series also includes extraordinary pirates who came before Roger, and their accomplishments may even be more formidable than those of pirates from Roger’s Era.

In this piece, we explore the notion that Roger’s Era can in fact be compared to the Great Pirate Era, but that this era can be even more formidable when compared to the pirates who came after him. In other words, while Roger’s Era may have marked the beginning of the Great Pirate Era, it would be shortsighted to assume that the era of pirates who came before him was insignificant. In fact, the pirates who ruled the seas before Roger laid the foundation for the Great Pirate Era. They shaped the world we know today and set the stage for future generations of pirates to come.

The Pre-Roger Era Pirates

While the Great Pirate Era is often synonymous with Roger’s Era in the popular anime and manga series, this wasn’t the first era of pirates who were incredibly strong and influential. There was a Great Pirate Era before Roger’s Era, filled with pirates who were just as formidable.

While some may argue that Roger’s Era can be compared to the Great Pirate Era because the former marks the beginning of the latter, we contend that the Great Pirate Era in One Piece actually began before Roger’s execution. This is because the pirates of the pre-Roger era were already incredibly strong and had a tremendous impact on the world.

So who were these pre-Roger era pirates? In One Piece, there are many pirates who are generally considered to be stronger than the pirates who came after them. Some of these pirates are known for their immense power, while others are recognized for their unique personalities and legendary exploits.

Let’s take a look at the backgrounds and accomplishments of some of these pre-Roger era pirates.

Gol D. Roger’s Era

As the former king of all pirates, it’s only fitting that we start with Roger himself. Roger’s Era marked the beginning of the Great Pirate Era, and the legendary pirate’s death at the hands of the Marines was the catalyst for the chaos and turmoil that would define that period. However, Roger’s Era is often perceived as being the pinnacle of pirate power, so it may be difficult to imagine that he was just one among many strong pirates in the world.

The truth is, however, that Roger was only one of many powerful pirates who ruled the seas during his time. In fact, in terms of strength, Roger’s crew may not even be the strongest pirate crew of that era.

Inquisitive fans may wonder how it’s possible for Roger to have been a strong pirate in an era filled with even stronger pirates. The answer lies in the nature of the era itself.

While Roger’s era was filled with pirates who were more powerful than those who came before them, the pirates of this era were generally more powerful by comparison. The comparative strength of the pirates of this era serves as proof that there were pirates who were stronger than even the mighty Roger.

The author argues that the Great Pirate Era did not begin with Roger’s execution, but rather was a continuation of an already existing era. This is in contrast to the common perception that Roger’s execution marked the beginning of the Great Pirate Era.

The author then highlights the significance of the pirates from the pre-Roger era who had a significant impact on the world of One Piece.

In-depth Analysis of Pre-Roger Era Pirates

The author uses engaging storytelling and in-depth analysis to captivate readers and ignite their curiosity about the world of One Piece. Through the exploration of various aspects of the pre-Roger era, the author aims to expand the narrative scope of One Piece while providing fans with a broader perspective on the series.

The author uses detailed analysis to present evidence and examples to support the claim that the pre-Roger era was equally, if not more, impressive in terms of pirate strength and influence. The author draws comparisons between the two eras, highlighting the parallels and differences in the nature of piracy and the impact on the world.

The author delves into the historical significance of these pre-Roger era pirates, showcasing their contributions to the development of the One Piece universe. The author also points out the significance of recognizing the impact of the pre-Roger era pirates and their role in shaping the events of the series.


In the end, this article aims to provide a fresh perspective on the narrative of One Piece. Through engaging storytelling and in-depth analysis, it invites readers to revisit the series and uncover the hidden stories of these legendary pirates.

If you’re a big One Piece fan, this article is for you. It may even challenge your perception of the series and encourage you to go back to the beginning and re-read the manga series from start to finish.

After reading this article, you’ll know that the Great Pirate Era didn’t begin with Roger’s execution. It began long before that. In fact, the pirates from the pre-Roger era were just as formidable and influential in shaping the world of One Piece.

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