Dungeons & Dragons introduces a blob-like race with a human form

The Dungeons & Dragons Plasmoid race embodies amorphous blobs that can transform into humanoid creatures with unique abilities in the D&D RPG.

Dungeons & Dragons introduces a blob-like race with a human form
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

The Dungeons & Dragons Plasmoid Race

The Dungeons & Dragons Plasmoid race embodies amorphous blobs that can transform into humanoid creatures with an array of unique abilities. Plasmoids can transform between a humanoid shape and their blob-like form, granting them the ability to squeeze through narrow spaces and enabling them to grapple enemies. They can even eat, breathe, see, touch, and hear through their nerve-dense exterior.

Dungeons & Dragons Plasmoid Abilities

Plasmoids possess a number of abilities that enable them to transform into humanoid creatures, as well as others that can benefit them in various situations.

  • Amorphous: Grants Plasmoids the ability to squeeze through narrow spaces and provides an advantage when grappling. Plasmoids with the Amorphous ability can also see in dim light and darkness, granting them proficiency in underwater or Astral Sea adventures.
  • Holding Breath: Allows Plasmoids to hold their breath for up to an hour, making them proficient in underwater or Astral Sea adventures. Holding Breath also enables them to outlast enemies in a grapple, which proves useful against enemies that rely on poison attacks.
  • Darkvision: Enables Plasmoids to see in dim light and darkness, making it handy for navigating dark dungeons and caverns or for encounters in the Astral Sea.
  • Natural Resilience: Grants Plasmoids resistance to acid and poison damage, as well as advantage against being poisoned, making them difficult to kill with a poison-tipped weapon.
  • Shape Self: Allows Plasmoids to reshape their bodies, assuming a humanoid shape or reverting to a limbless blob. Plasmoids that transform into a humanoid shape can wear armor and wield weapons, as they don't rely heavily on equipment.

Dungeons & Dragons Plasmoid Subraces

Plasmoids are closely tied to the environments in which they were born, known as Deepdwellers and Highdwellers. Deepdwellers hail from the Underdark, while Highdwellers dwell in the clouds of the Astral Sea.

Here are the Dungeons & Dragons Plasmoid subraces:

  • Deepdweller Plasmoid
  • Highdweller Plasmoid
  • Astraldweller Plasmoid
  • Waterdweller Plasmoid

Plasmoids offer strategic advantages that enhance their roleplaying experience, ranging from the Monk to the Warlock.

If you're interested in playing a Dungeons & Dragons Plasmoid, make sure to check out the official D&D website for more details on the playable blob. You can also peruse the D&D Beyond compendium for more details on the Plasmoid race.

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