Eternal Return battle royale gameplay tips and tricks

Useful tips and tricks to get ahead in Eternal Return's battle royale gameplay by Nimble Neuron.

Eternal Return battle royale gameplay tips and tricks
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Useful tips and tricks to get ahead in Eternal Return's battle royale gameplay by Nimble Neuron.

Want some tips on how to get ahead in Eternal Return's Battle Royale Gameplay? We've got you covered. This multiplayer survival arena game blends the best of battle royale and MOBA elements to create a challenging and addictive experience. Developed by Nimble Neuron, the same team behind the acclaimed MOBA game League of Legends, Eternal Return is a highly anticipated game with a lot of moving parts. To get the most out of your time with the game, we've got some tips on how to play the battle royale mode and the customization options available to you.

Eternal Return battle royale tips

As in any battle royale game, the goal here is to be the last one standing among seven other teams of three players. To do this, you must first understand the meta and which characters are most effective, as well as how to unlock them and how to use them. If you're just starting out, we highly recommend completing the tutorial to get a feel for each character's abilities. While you're practicing, use Practice Mode to test out different characters to see which ones you prefer. It also helps to determine your preferred weapon style.

Before you drop into the battle royale map, know the following:

  • You may be tempted to go all-in with your abilities at the start, but this is a bad idea as you will quickly burn through your mana. Instead, try to collect materials with yellow triangles, as crafting items should be a priority at the start. Having Epic and Legendary weapons and armor provides you with an advantage in fights.
  • Knowing where to go for materials is also crucial. Collecting materials with yellow triangles is crucial for crafting items in your saved plan. If you can see a material is being contested, you should probably look for another one. If you see another player has picked up a triangle, that means you need to move quickly to ensure you get it next. As you are likely trying to collect materials for your teammates as well, you'll need to group back up with them. If you're going to be separated for too long, you could be inviting 1v3 fights.
  • As the match progresses, it's generally a good idea to group back up with your teammates. It's easy to get tunnel vision and chase stragglers too far, which often leads to engaging in 1v3 fights. If you all stick together, you can use your abilities to take out 1-2 opponents at a time instead of risking a fight that you could lose.
  • Special enemies, Alpha, Omega, and Wickeline, drop materials that will allow you to craft Legendary items. When you kill these special enemies, you will also receive a buff to one of your passive augment slots. For example, killing Omega can grant you extra damage to your passive augment slot of choice.

Eternal Return meta

If you're looking for statistics to help you understand the meta, the official Eternal Return website has a statistics spreadsheet for each character. The spreadsheet breaks down each character's win rate, average kills per match, and other information. It will give you a good idea of what characters are most effective and which ones you should be aiming to unlock first. It also highlights which weapon types are the most common for each character, which can also guide you in your weapon selection.

If you're trying to improve your gameplay, it can be very helpful to check these stats regularly. Being aware of the meta can help you make better decisions, such as which characters to play and which to unlock first. It can also help you understand why certain characters are more effective than others. For example, in the chart above, we can see that the Raider is a very strong character as he has the third highest win rate and the highest average kills per match.

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