Is there a game where the narrator changes the environment?

PCGamesN Community Shares Games with Narrators That Change the Environment, Including Immortals Fenyx Rising and Call of Juarez Gunslinger

Is there a game where the narrator changes the environment?
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Games with Narrators That Change the Environment

Have you ever played a game where the narrator actively alters the environment while you play? It's a fascinating concept that has sparked a discussion among the PC Game Spotlight team. One of our regular visitors recently asked us to recommend games with changing narrators, and we've come up with quite a list.

Let's start with Immortals Fenyx Rising. This game features a narrator who not only tells the story but also changes the environment as you play. It has been described as a unique blend of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Players appreciate its humor and charm.

Another game that comes to mind is Call of Juarez Gunslinger. This Western-themed game offers a funny experience where the narrator transforms enemies into comical characters. In a similar vein, Fallout: New Vegas can also be seen as a game where the wasteland itself becomes the narrator, and players assume the role of the storyteller.

The Stanley Parable deserves a special mention as it revolves around narration. From the moment you step into the lift and the narrator warns you not to press the button, to the mission where you are told not to follow the red line, narration plays a significant role in shaping the game's story.

Bastion is another game with a narrator that reflects your actions. Although it doesn't change the environment, the narrator's commentary adds depth to the gameplay. Additionally, we recommend checking out the Dishonored series, Portal 2, and the cowboy-style narrator from Bastion for their captivating storytelling.

In Black Ops Cold War, you can experience a changing narrator during a mission where your objective shifts from assassinating a target to eliminating all the people. The narrator guides you through this thrilling narrative twist.

The Cave immerses players in a world where the narrator holds control. Throughout the game, you interact with and often obey the commands of a quirky purple worm. The narrator's whims dictate your actions, sometimes leading to repeated gameplay sections.

There is no Game is a delightful and humorous experience that defies expectations. While the game claims not to have a game, it offers a series of funny minigames, reminiscent of Snake, mixed with elements of Portal and Tron.

Borderlands fans might be interested in Tiny Tina's D&D Game. While it doesn't change the environment, it transforms enemies into comical creatures fitting for a D&D adventure.

Lastly, the Little Big Planet series is known for its charming narration. The narrator plays a significant role in guiding players through the game's story and enhancing the overall experience.

If you have any other suggestions for games with changing narrators, feel free to share them in the comments below. Happy Gaming!

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