The silliest video game power-ups
Some of these power-ups are so strange it's amazing how developers could use concept of power-ups to inject humor and absurdity into game.

Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago
Sometimes, a power-up will be so successful that it becomes an integral part of gaming culture. Master Chief and Samus would arguably not be who they are today without their power-ups, the ice beam and the morph ball, respectively. While power-ups are typically associated with enhancing abilities or granting you extraordinary skills, sometimes developers take a walk on the wild side and introduce you to some very unusual power-ups that are downright silly. In the realm of gaming, absurdity and entertainment often go hand in hand, and these seemingly non-sensical video game power-ups prove it.
Here are the silliest power-ups in video games:
Cat Power-Up
Super Mario 3D World
There’s nothing a gaming community loves more than a good cat meme, so perhaps it’s unsurprising that one of the most wacky power-ups introduced in Super Mario 3D World is the Cat power-up. You don’t actually become a cat – that would be too normal – instead, Mario and his friends transform into adorable felines, complete with colorful fur that matches their hats in the Mario universe. Our favorites in the cast of 3D World’s cats are Giant Cat Peach and King Tut Mario, but you can make your own by mixing the Cat power-up with one of the boos. The collage of super models that results from the Cat-Boos is the perfect example of why silliness and 3D World go hand in hand.
Metal Gear Solid
While it might seem a little out of place in a serious stealth-based action game, the smoking feature in Metal Gear Solid improves the characters’ aim, making shooting from the shadows a much more effective approach. That’s not all, because drinking and smoking in real life has some health benefits, smoking in Metal Gear Solid also grants you the ability to see infrared sensors. If you’re playing Metal Gear Solid, you’re probably expecting to die a few times, so some extra help from this classic power-up makes sense, and it is still one of the best Metal Gear Solid games.
Weird Mushroom
Super Mario Maker
Every now and again, you’ll come across a peculiar addition to the Mario franchise while playing Super Mario Maker. We are of course referring to the Weird Mushroom, a relatively new feature in the Super Mario universe. The Weird Mushroom turns Mario and all compatible characters into a giant monster, changing their behavior and granting them unique abilities. As with all power-ups, mushrooms have the ability to transform Mario’s behavior and impose limitations on his actions. This pesky mushroom turns the usually humanoid-shaped character into a bottomless pit, forcing them to behave like the Amps from Super Mario Galaxy. This is definitely one of the funniest Mario power-ups, and considering how many Mario games there are in existence, that says a lot.
Child At Heart perk
Fallout 3
Abilities or skills are often associated with power-ups, but there are times when a power-up is so useful that the developer has to give it a unique name. The Child at Heart perk from the widely popular Fallout 3 is not only a strange addition to the game, but it’s also an unusual power-up and seemingly only available to children in-game. Not only does this perk enhance your interactions with children, it also allows you access to unique dialogue options, and ultimately contributes to a better overall experience.
Hunger and Thirst
These two short entries belong together because, at the very least, they fall under the same umbrella of silliness. Sure, a hunger and thirst system may not be strange on its own, but when you mix it with a kill-or-be-killed PvP game like DayZ, you end up with one of the best survival games of all time.