Game of Thrones learned from Marvel, says Emilia Clarke

Game of Thrones creators take a lesson from Marvel's ability to keep spoilers under wraps

Game of Thrones learned from Marvel, says Emilia Clarke
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

The creators of Game of Thrones learned long ago that Marvel has a strong grip on the ability to keep spoilers under wraps, and the Game of Thrones stars admit that they were even partly responsible for showing just how it’s done.

Game of Thrones: Following Marvel's Lead

In an interview, Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke says that she and the other HBO actors were influenced by Marvel’s tactics when it came to how to protect sensitive information.

Clarke, who is starring as Jessica Drew in Marvel’s Secret Invasion, also says that she recently saw a Game of Thrones episode for the first time, and it was “a weird experience.” She goes on to share her view on the behind-the-scenes effort made by the Game of Thrones team to protect the show’s secrets and maintain an engaging narrative for fans the world over.

“I think the makers of Game of Thrones were really impressed when they saw how Marvel managed to maintain secrecy around their projects, particularly when it came to major plot twists,” she says. “The creators of Game of Thrones recognized that the audience, ultimately, should be the ones to experience the surprise, and sought to implement similar strategies. They saw the Marvel way, and they wanted to be that.”

Keeping Secrets and Maintaining Suspense

Clarke specifically refers to the use of codenames and limited script access as ways that Game of Thrones protected shocker moments from being revealed prematurely. While many of the show’s most earth-shattering developments have occurred off screen, once we’re aware of them, the (usually involuntary) time spent waiting for the reveal has become a part of the viewing experience.

“We had to take responsibility for these characters we were playing,” Clarke says. “The measures that we took, to preserve the shocking moments, were crucial to us.”

Interestingly, Marvel itself appears to have played a role in setting this standard. Clarke also says through her involvement in Secret Invasion, she’s gained firsthand experience of how the studio maintains secrecy around their projects and ensures surprise and suspense are upheld. She says, “We’re a show that goes out live on prime-time television, so it’s been a long, tough road. But it was really enlightening and amazing to see how Marvel protected their scripts – I only saw parts of Secret Invasion, but I know what they were doing.”

Maintaining Standards in the Entertainment Industry

Through her insights, Clarke sheds light on the behind-the-scenes efforts made by the Game of Thrones team to protect the show’s secrets and maintain an engaging narrative. The actress also expresses her admiration for the way Marvel handled sensitive information and credits the studio for setting a standard in the entertainment industry.

“There has to be a standard,” she says. “When a huge cast, crew, and millions of fans are holding their breaths at the edge of their seats, you have to have just a little bit of respect for their time and their energy, because there are so many important things happening right now.”

With big-budget shows like Game of Thrones and Marvel’s Secret Invasion, it’s important to balance secrecy with the experience of watching the show live. It’s a delicate balancing act, but one that the Game of Thrones creators appear to have looked to Marvel to help pull off.

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