Remnant 2: Archon Archetype guide

The Archon Archetype in Remnant 2 offers powerful gear and Mods to support teammates.

Remnant 2: Archon Archetype guide
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Archon Archetype in Remnant 2

Are you searching for information about the Archon Archetype in Remnant 2? The Archetypes are one of the biggest additions to the sequel and shape gameplay and character build. There are 11 Archetypes to choose from, each with specific armor sets, weapons, skills, and perks.

The first game offered one major archetype to unlock. In Remnant 2, you can unlock all 11 Archetypes, with the first being discovered by dataminers, before the game’s release. The initial Archetype is called the Archon, and it was initially secret. To unlock it, you need to collect specific items. Some items require purchasing, while others are found in different locations. The final step is to locate the Strange Box in the backrooms. Once you have all of the items, take the Strange Box, along with other materials, to Wallace at Ward 13 to craft the Hexahedron. Equipping the Hexahedron unlocks the Archetype.

Archon Archetype perks

The Archon Archetype is focused on weapon Mods and generating Power Mods. It provides support to teammates, optimising the potential of your weapon Mods.

  • Tempest – Reactivate Power Mods in mid-cast to generate more Power.
  • Reality Rune – Increases the duration of Power Mods.
  • Chaos Gate – Reactivate Power Mods in mid-cast to teleport to the target.
  • Havoc Form – Increases the duration of Power Mods, and grants immunity to damage and status effects.

Archon Archetype skills

The Archon Archetype comes with three unique combat Skills, alongside a special Trait.

  • Tempest – Deals high Shock damage to enemies in a large area.
  • Reality Rune – Creates a stationary rune that deals Shock damage.
  • Chaos Gate – Teleports to a target, dealing Shock damage to enemies in the area.
  • Havoc Form – Grants immunity to damage and status effects.

Archon Archetype gear

The Archon Archetype comes with specific gear, including the XMG57 Bonesaw and Enigma weapons. It also includes the Labyrinth armor set with protection and resistance to Fire and Shock. Finally, the Archon Archetype has a Prime Perk, Damage Perk, Team Perk, Utility Perk, and Relic Perk.

That’s everything you need to know about the Remnant 2 Archon Archetype. If you’re looking for something else to play, here’s a list of the best PC games available right now. You might also want to check out the best new games coming in the next year or so, there’s a lot to choose from.

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