Peter Parker’s new face model is a huge hit with Spider-Man fans

Spider-Man fans embrace Peter Parker's new face model after years of controversy and petitions.

Peter Parker’s new face model is a huge hit with Spider-Man fans
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Spider-Man fans embrace Peter Parker's new face model

Spider-Man fans are warming up to Peter Parker’s new face model after years of petitions requesting the return of his original design, and the frequent discussion of ‘face-related discourse’ within the community. Insomniac Games revealed new details about the upcoming sequel, including a story trailer showcasing updated designs for MJ, Miles, and Peter. The changes in appearance, particularly for Peter, seem to have put an end to the long-standing debate over the face model.

When Spider-Man PS4 was first revealed, one thing that stood out was Peter’s new face model. It was notably different from the previous game, and fans were quick to notice that it bore a striking resemblance to Tom Holland, who plays Peter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Originally, John Bubniak was the face model for Spider-Man PS4, but Insomniac later replaced it with a model based on Ben Jordan. Fans were split on the issue, with some claiming it was done to make Peter resemble Holland, while others insisted that Jordan was the better choice.

With the release of the story trailer, however, it seems that the new look has won many people over. While some are still discussing Peter’s design, it appears to have changed many fans’ minds.

“I was one of the people who wasn’t that keen on the new face,” one Twitter user says, “but I gotta say, the new haircut and larger neck make it look a lot better.” Other comments describe the new design as a “glow-up” for all the characters, with the majority of comments on social media indicating that fans consider the new look a success.

“He looks older and more mature,” one user says. “I’m happy with his new face.” Another adds, “I never liked the old face, but this one is good.”

The new designs have also won over many former detractors of Peter’s face model. Most comments seem to indicate that fans consider Peter’s new look to be on par with the others, or at least an improvement over his initial design.

“MJ and Miles look great, but Peter is the true winner here,” one Twitter user says. “I hated the first face model, but the new one is fantastic.” Another adds, “I was not a fan of the new Peter face model, but I’m really liking it now.”

Many fans describe the new haircut, larger neck, and added maturity in Peter’s face as a success. Others still take issue with the height discrepancy between Peter and Miles, although Insomniac has yet to provide any concrete information on how this will be addressed in the game.

The Spider-Man community has a long history of discussing issues relating to the franchise. Often these debates take on a rather heated nature, with both sides refusing to back down. It seems, however, that the era of face-related discourse may finally be coming to an end.

If you’re excited for Spider-Man PS4, and want to know what to expect from the game, be sure to check out everything we know about the upcoming sequel. You can also take a look at the Spider-Man map, which shows all the key locations you can visit in the game.

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