How to grow grass in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

Keep your cattle happy and well-fed by growing grass in the pasture, even in the winter.

How to grow grass in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

How to Grow Grass in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

Ensuring the well-being of your cows is crucial for your success in Story of Seasons. However, many farmers overlook the importance of growing grass in the pasture. Learning how to properly grow grass for your cows is essential.

In your first year, neglecting to grow grass for your cows can lead to a challenging journey in Story of Seasons. Without proper nourishment, your cows will gradually lose health, resulting in lower quality milk production. To help you get started on your farming adventure, we've compiled everything you need to know about growing grass in Story of Seasons, including fertilization techniques and pasture management.

The Role of Fertilizer

To cultivate grass for your cows, you must utilize fertilizer. While you can purchase fertilizer from neighboring farms, starting with a small amount of long grass in the pasture means that your first cow may consume it all within a few days. Without tall grass available, your cows will eventually starve.

It is recommended to acquire approximately 18 units of fertilizer and distribute it across the pasture in 3x3 squares. The following day, the grass will grow taller and begin to spread naturally throughout the pasture, without dying off. This method should provide enough grass to support two cows without exhausting the supply.

By following these steps, you can successfully grow grass in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. A well-maintained pasture will remain lush and healthy throughout the year, ensuring your livestock's contentment regardless of the season. However, it is essential to monitor the weather, particularly in Forgotten Valley. During rainy or snowy days, it is advisable to keep your livestock indoors to prevent them from falling ill. Nonetheless, they still require sustenance, which can be obtained by collecting fodder from the dispenser and placing it in their feeding troughs. To replenish the fodder dispenser, use a sickle to cut down grass in the pasture. Initially, only take what is necessary while waiting for your pasture to establish.

Now that you possess the knowledge to grow grass in Story of Seasons, you can ensure that your cows remain well-fed and productive in this immersive farming game. Remember to monitor the weather closely and always have an ample supply of grass and fodder to support your livestock. Your hard work will be rewarded with high-quality milk in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

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