Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - Making Money and Selling Items
Want to know how to make money and sell items in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life? While AWL is played at a slower pace and is overall less focused on subsuming the entire local economy, players still need cash to afford new animals and those pricey farm facility upgrades. Here’s how to sell everything that has been farmed, fished, and foraged in the beautiful Forgotten Valley.
Many farming games have a simple way of selling produce and other goods to vendors, but in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, the process of shipping and selling items is a little more involved. However, it’s worth taking the time to learn how to make money in this farming game, as it can make a big difference when players are trying to afford the latest and greatest in farming equipment.
Selling Items in Your Shipping Bin
When selling items via the shipping bin, it is important to note that only crops and animal products can be shipped. Fish, foraged plants, and meals that have been cooked cannot be shipped. Additionally, low-quality milk (marked C) cannot be shipped.
To get profits from the shipping bin, players need to check the ledger outside their house. For all other items such as fish, foraged plants, meals, and items from the archaeology dig, players will need to sell them at a market stall in town.
Selling Items in Your Stall and at Van's Market
Van, the merchant, visits town on the 3rd and 8th of each month between 12 pm and 6 pm. He accepts everything that is sellable, except for items obtained via archaeology dig. To sell to Van, players can either approach him as he wanders around town or go to the small paved circle near the town well and press the interact button. They can then add the items they want to sell to the menu that pops up and wait for Van to make his decision.
Villagers will approach the player's stall as they go about their daily schedule in town. Players can speak to them while they are nearby to see what they are interested in buying. They will then have the option to sell the item for its regular price or at a small discount. Sometimes, villagers may not want to buy an item for the full price, but that is just how capitalism works.
Players can also sell items to the same person multiple times in a row if they are still standing nearby. Whether selling items in the stall or to Van, players will earn the same amount of gold, just like selling crops in the shipping bin.
Above are all the ways to actually make bank in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. But what items should players focus on selling when they start out? Well, there is a detailed guide on the best items to sell to make money early on in the farming game.
Alternatively, players can explore all the other amazing things to do in Forgotten Valley or check out our guides on the best farming games if they are in the mood for some agricultural fun.