Story of Seasons wild animals – where to find them

Discover the locations and benefits of the wild animals in Story of Seasons

Story of Seasons wild animals – where to find them
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Story of Seasons Wild Animals and Their Effects

Looking for the Story of Seasons wild animals? These critters can be found in Forgotten Valley, and their presence indicates a lucky day for better catches and finds. Seeing all five wild animals indicates a particularly lucky day, resulting in improved luck in activities within the areas they inhabit.

Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life lets you dive into the world of fishing and treasure hunting with a lucky charm by your side. Seeing wild animals in the farming game can improve luck in specific areas, such as catching larger fish while fishing or finding valuable collectibles while digging at the Dig Site. Seeing these critters is an unpredictable occurrence, so make the most of it when you see them by improving your day in the activity they inhabit.

Where to Find Story of Seasons Wild Animals

You can see the five wild animals in Forgotten Valley as indicated on the map above. Their appearance is completely random and unpredictable, so take advantage when you see them. Unfortunately, they can’t be captured and kept on the farm, but their presence still serves a valuable purpose.

In the original game, there was a short cutscene featuring Flora and the raccoon becoming friends, but this was removed in A Wonderful Life.

The Turtle can be found by the Pond near Daryl and Gordy’s houses, improving fishing luck.

The Raccoon is located in the grassy corner behind Vesta’s Farm, enhancing general luck.

The Lizard is across the Waterfall from the Dig Site, where you can find luck in unspecified activities.

The Owl resides in the Forest, overlooking the Goddess Pond, where it improves luck overall.

The Chihuahua is outside the Dig Site entrance, where it increases luck in finding valuable collectibles.

That’s where to find the Story of Seasons wild animals in Forgotten Valley and their effect on luck. For more on increasing your profit margins, check out our guides to the best fishing lines and bait, and to the best crops and tree seeds to grow in the farming game. Likewise, delve into the many secrets of the Dig Site in our Dig Site wiki to discover its full extent.

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