Tears of the Kingdom player discovers an easy way to make their house float

Build your own personal sky island in the Zelda game with this Tears of the Kingdom house trick.

Tears of the Kingdom player discovers an easy way to make their house float
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Build your dream house in the game and make it defy gravity

A Tears of the Kingdom player discovers an easy way to make their house float in the Zelda game, allowing them to build their own personal sky island and enhance their privacy with ease. If you’re looking for a Tears of the Kingdom house trick, you’ve come to the right place.

In the video, you can watch the player demonstrate the method, and you can find answers to your questions in the comments. To start, you’ll want to create the rocket hoverstone contraption before building your house – this will allow you to bypass the game’s bond limit.

You’ll also want to use 10 rockets and 10 hover stones outside of the house building area, so you have maximum room count. Make sure there is a hook at the top of your house, and your contraption will attach to it once activated.

Launch the platform from at least one story up, but not higher than one story to avoid deletion. Activate the contraption, confirm with Granteson, and your house will be locked in place in the air.

Now that you know how to make a house float in Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll probably want to figure out how to access your sky island. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to place a Travel Medallion inside your house, so you’ll either need to skydive or use Recall and a hover stone to reach your floating house.

Enjoy your new, lofty property, and all of its benefits, including enhanced privacy to do whatever you want, whenever you want, without a care in the world. No need to worry about burglars in the sky.

If you’re just getting started in Tears of the Kingdom, or you’re looking for some new ideas, we’ve got a guide to building your first house in Tears of the Kingdom, as well as everything you need to know about Tears of the Kingdom mounts.

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