One Baldur’s Gate 3 player wants to give everyone the worst ending

One player's meticulous 75-step playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3 aims to give every NPC the worst ending, except for the puppy.

One Baldur’s Gate 3 player wants to give everyone the worst ending
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

One Baldur's Gate 3 player has devised a meticulous 75-step playthrough to give every NPC the worst ending, except for the puppy.

One Baldur’s Gate 3 player has devised an incredibly meticulous and specific playthrough in the classic RPG game that aims to give every character the worst possible outcome, including the murder of innocents, the theft of souls, and even the orchestration of vengeful scenes. With a flair ‘Bhaal’ (the name of the Baldur’s Gate 3 deity of murder), the player outlines their 75-step guide to ensure maximum misery for the characters in the D&D game, targeting both enemies and allies alike in their dark design.

“This thread is like a car crash you can’t look away from,” one Redditor comments in the thread detailing the playthrough. With a meticulous plan involving choices like leaving characters in dangerous situations, stealing bodies, and causing mass destruction, the player aims to make their way through the RPG game with a dedication to chaos that is both impressive and, at times, uncomfortable to read.

“I don’t discriminate,” the player, known by their flair ‘Bhaal,’ replies. “If it moves and has a name, I will make their life a living hell.” This includes betraying allies and stealing their souls, orchestrating vengeful scenes, and ultimately leaving the world in darkness. “Just so everyone knows, the world is going to be a shit place by the end of this,” they write.

The thread is described as an “incredible read” and “like watching a car crash in slow motion.” Initially, the player’s plan involves fairly simple steps like leaving characters in dangerous situations and avoiding rescues, but it soon escalates with choices like stealing bodies and causing mass destruction. The player also doesn’t discriminate, targeting both enemies and allies alike for the darkest outcomes.

The player’s plan is ultimately like a car crash manifesto, meticulously designed to cause chaos and misery. There is a glimmer of hope, however, as the player does spare a puppy named Scratch, sparing them from an ignoble fate. The last step in their plan is simple: “Dominate the world. In Scratch’s name.”

While the player’s dedication and creativity in crafting such a playthrough are commendable, the thread itself is undeniably sinister. No doubt it brings the true face of Chaotic Evil to the surface in Baldur’s Gate 3, and serves as a reminder that there is always a dark side to RPG gaming.

If you’re looking for a more wholesome playthrough, check out the best RPGs on PC. Alternatively, the best old games on PC offer classic gameplay from the early days of PC gaming.

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