Why are some women against men playing games?

A discussion about the double standard in gaming habits within relationships and the importance of communication and compromise.

Why are some women against men playing games?
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

A discussion about the double standard in gaming habits within relationships and the importance of communication and compromise.

A user writes about his wife’s disapproval of his gaming habits, and a discussion erupts about the double standard in relationships when it comes to gaming. The user’s wife spends hours playing games, but she doesn’t approve of him playing for even a few minutes. After reading the comment, many people suggest asking her why her gaming time is acceptable, while his is not. Some people even make suggestions that are intended to be as absurd as possible, such as sending a fax or using cosmic signs.

The overall consensus is that Reddit tends to jump to extreme solutions like divorce for any relationship problem. Other people highlight the issue of the wife having a problem with specific hobbies, such as painting and playing the piano. They speculate that she may have issues with repetitive tasks or a belief that hobbies should be profitable.

The double standard is emphasized as the wife is perfectly happy spending hours in front of the TV, but disapproves of her husband’s gaming. Some people acknowledge that recreational activities are essential and criticize the wife’s expectation of non-stop productivity. However, they admit that many people don’t realize the amount of time and money they spend on their own gaming.

The discussion also highlights the importance of communication and compromise in relationships. Read the discussion in its entirety below:


“I keep getting sh-t for playing games and she’ll spend hours playing games and watching movies,” the original poster (OP) writes. “She won’t let me even play games for more than a few minutes.”

Many people tell the OP to ask his wife why her gaming time is acceptable while his is not. “Ask her why she’s fine with it,” one person writes. “A question implies a request for an answer.” Another person writes, “If she can explain why it’s okay for her to play games, but not you, then you’ll understand what the issue is and can do something about it.”

Others suggest more absurd methods, such as sending a fax or using cosmic signs. “This is because you’re a man,” one woman writes. “Women are terrified of men playing games because they think it’s a sign that their men are losing sexual interest in them.”

The majority of people agree that the couple’s marriage does not seem healthy. Many people highlight the issue of the wife having a problem with specific hobbies. “If she has a problem with specific hobbies, then you need to focus on that hobby and work to resolve her issues with it,” one person writes.

“It’s not just gaming,” another person writes. “It’s all hobbies. She’s not happy with you doing anything that takes time away from her.” Other people say that the wife may have issues with repetitive tasks or that she has a belief that hobbies should be profitable.

People acknowledge the double standard. “It’s not just video games, it’s any hobby that a woman doesn’t do and looks down on,” one person writes. “If she’s happy to sit on her ass and binge watch TV shows, you’d think she’d be happy for you to do the same with video games.” Another person writes, “We tend to judge ourselves based on intentions but judge others based on their actions.” They add, “I guess we’re afraid of being judged based on our own actions.”

Other people speculate that the husband may not be spending enough time with his wife or neglecting household responsibilities. “I have a feeling that there’s more going on here than just the wife being a control freak,” one person writes. “The husband isn’t just playing games, he’s playing games and ignoring his wife.”

Some people respond that they believe more details are needed to fully understand the situation, such as the dynamics of the couple’s relationship and communication. “We don’t know the full story,” one person writes. “Maybe he plays games more frequently than he claims.” Another person says, “We need more details, like the history of their relationship, their communication, etc.”

Another funny side comment says, “The secret council kidnaps people who communicate with their spouses.”

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