Blasphemous is a must-play metroidvania, and it's on sale

Blasphemous, a metroidvania style 2D side-scroller, is a must-play game for fans of the genre, with a dedicated following and its own anime now.

Blasphemous is a must-play metroidvania, and it's on sale
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Blasphemous: A Metroidvania Game Worth Playing

Blasphemous is a Metroidvania style indie game that’s so good, it’s earned itself a fanbase, a sequel, and an Anime. Yes, you read that right. It may sound like hyperbole, but I’ve played Blasphemous, and I can assure you it’s no exaggeration. The game’s art style is cohesive and impressive, backed by real instrumentation and Spanish motifs. The music sets the perfect tone, and the controls are tight and predictable, making for a satisfying platforming experience.

Blasphemous starts off with a bang, literally, as you fall from the sky into a lake, and a creature emerges from the water to attack you. This sets the tone for the entire game, which is challenging but not a cake-walk. I’m not saying that it’s Dark Souls levels of difficulty, but you will die, and you will have to learn from your mistakes.

The developers’ passion is evident through the release of three free expansions for the game. The first added a new area, boss, and playable character, while the second and third added new enemies, weapons, and mechanics.

Blasphemous is downright fun, and I don’t use that word lightly. It’s the type of game you play while you’re meant to be doing something else, like homework or chores, and before you know it, you’ve played for hours. One player even told me that it’s their favorite game of all time.

Some players have also recommended the Spanish voice acting, but I haven’t tried it myself, so I can’t vouch for it. If you’re interested, though, and have a taste for Spanish culture, it’s definitely worth a look. In the meantime, I can highly recommend The Last Door, another game by The Game Kitchen, which has a very similar art style.

Blasphemous 2, the sequel, has just been released, and I’m sure it will be as big a hit as its predecessor. I’m looking forward to playing it and writing about it myself, so watch this space.

If you’re new to metroidvanias, I’d recommend Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and Dead Cells, two other titles that I’ve reviewed. If you’re more of a veteran, I’d definitely recommend Blasphemous, as it’s one of my favorites, and you can buy it on Steam right now with a good sale.

While some players may not enjoy metroidvanias, I’ve seen others call Blasphemous their favorite game of all time, so the genre clearly speaks to some people. Personally, I’ve never been a big fan, but I’d be happy to be proven wrong by this one.

Check out the Blasphemous Steam page here, and while you’re there, take a look at the Blasphemous 2 release date and my Blasphemous 2 review. You can also check out some other highly rated indie games, like GRIME, or maybe try out one of the other best new games.

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