Disney Illusion Island boss fights are the best part of its platformer

Disney Illusion Island's platforming boss fights are the highlights of this cute metroidvania.

Disney Illusion Island boss fights are the best part of its platformer
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Disney Illusion Island: Platforming Boss Fights

Thinking about Disney Illusion Island’s story and characters is sure to put a smile on your face, but you might not realise just how much of an impact the game’s boss fights have on your overall enjoyment of this cartoony and whimsical Metroidvania. The absence of traditional combat allows for some truly creative boss fight designs, and Illusion Island uses them to teach platforming lessons to Mickey and friends.

Each Disney Illusion Island boss fight incorporates different mechanics and feels like a culmination of platforming lessons learned throughout the adventure. Some boss battles shine brighter than others based on complexity and mechanics, but all of them are enjoyable and well-designed. We’re going to tread lightly into spoiler territory here, so consider this a spoiler warning for the game’s story and late game content.

The First Boss Fight: Thief #1

The first boss fight is a simple encounter with a thief. It serves as a tutorial for performing combos, as well as a chance to showcase some great design qualities. The character design for Thief #1 stands out with its giant gloved hands, and the simplicity of the first boss fight makes it a great introduction to Illusion Island’s boss fights.

Underwater Boss Fight: Old Timer

Old Timer is the first underwater boss fight in the game, but it avoids the pitfalls that can often plague these kinds of battles. The underwater sections are short, and the boss fight itself involves using the environment to your advantage. Old Timer’s main attack involves shooting water at Mickey, which can be avoided by climbing onto a nearby pillar. This clever use of the environment makes for an interesting and successful boss fight.

Thrilling Gameplay with Thief #2

Swinging from rainbow to rainbow, Thief #2 offers thrilling gameplay and memorable aesthetics. The aesthetics of the second thief fight, set in an ethereal purple meadow, are stunning, and they enhance the entire boss fight experience. The rainbow platforming sections are some of the most fun in the game, and they serve as a great introduction to Illusion Island’s many rainbow-based puzzles.

The Final Boss: Grayzar

Grayzar brings together elements from previous boss fights and serves as a great endurance test as the game’s final boss. Grayzar incorporates underwater mechanics from Old Timer’s fight, the platforming challenges from Thief #2’s battle, and tests the player’s skills as they progress through the game. Grayzar’s boss fight is well-designed and requires precise execution of skills learned throughout the adventure.

The endurance test of Grayzar’s boss fight is a fitting addition to the adventure as a whole, as Illusion Island is often compared to a classic metroidvania game. Grayzar serves as a satisfying conclusion to the adventure, and many players consider this boss fight to be one of the great metroidvania final boss fights.

Disney Illusion Island’s boss fights are a highlight of the game’s cartoony and whimsical fun. The rest of the adventure is enjoyable as well, but the boss fights are where Illusion Island really shines. They progressively increase in difficulty as more obstacles are introduced, but the challenges never feel cheap or unfair. Landing blows on Grayzar after mastering the game’s tricks and abilities is a satisfying reward for players who enjoy platforming challenges.

If you’ve enjoyed Illusion Island’s boss fights, you might want to check out some of the best indie games on PC. You can also read our review of Disney Illusion Island or get a grip on the Illusion Island controls.

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