Call of Duty 4 campaign still holds up in 2023

Call of Duty 4's campaign is still regarded as one of the best FPS game campaigns of all time.

Call of Duty 4 campaign still holds up in 2023
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Call of Duty 4 may have been released all the way back in 2007, but its campaigns are still regarded as some of the best around. In fact, a community consensus seems to agree that it’s one of the very best Call of Duty campaigns, and among the best FPS campaigns overall. Modern Warfare 2 and World at War also feature prominently, with some users expressing a preference for the original Call of Duty and Call of Duty 2 campaigns.

“I’m honestly really surprised how many people voted for the whole Modern Warfare series,” one r/CoD thread author comments. “I’m not saying that it’s not good, but I feel like it’s getting way too much praise. I also feel like the original Modern Warfare trilogy is a little bit overrated.”

“I think the Modern Warfare games are almost the perfect examples of how to make an FPS campaign,” another user replies. “Great writing, great characters, great level design, and most importantly, it’s all extremely fun to play.”

“Personally, I’m a big fan of the Black Cats mission in Call of Duty 4,” someone else says. “It’s still one of my favorite missions in any FPS game. The airport scene in Modern Warfare 2 is also a high point.” Someone else mentions the multiplayer voices in the game, which are all voiced by Kiefer Sutherland.

Despite its age, Call of Duty 4 is still considered one of the greatest FPS campaigns of all time, putting COD on the map in a big way. It also arguably launched the entire Modern Warfare series, which is still revered today despite the mixed opinions on Modern Warfare 3’s graphics.

But that’s not all – Call of Duty 4 is also regarded as a groundbreaking game that left a lasting impact. “Modern Warfare is the entire reason why we have Blackout,” someone else says, “so I consider it extremely important to the FPS genre.”

Another user mentions the original Bad Company campaigns, saying, “I loved the comedy-action movie style to them, and having fun with a video game is what it’s all about.” There’s also a lot of excitement about the potential retelling of the story in Modern Warfare 3, with some thinking it’s a straight copy of the original Modern Warfare 2.

On the other side of the fence, there are some who find the Call of Duty campaigns boring, with little player agency. There are some who think Modern Warfare 3 is a copy of Modern Warfare 2, and others who recommend Titanfall 2 – which they describe as a game that will blow your mind.

But overall, it’s clear that Call of Duty 4 in particular is remembered with great fondness, and still regarded as one of the best FPS campaigns of all time. If you haven’t played it for a while, you might want to give it another go with the slow-motion cheat turned on. It’s definitely a different experience!

Check out some of our other Call of Duty 4 articles, including a look at Call of Duty 4 2, our full review of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered, and our guide to the Call of Duty 4 servers, which we last checked in 2021.

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