Destiny 2’s Power level cap explained

Understanding the Destiny 2 Power level cap and how to reach it can help you conquer the game's toughest challenges in Season of the Witch.

Destiny 2’s Power level cap explained
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Understanding the Destiny 2 Power level cap

Are you wondering what the Destiny 2 Power level cap is? As the season changes in Bungie’s FPS game, the Power level cap also changes, allowing you to reach ever-higher numbers as you take on the game’s PvE activities and multiplayer matches.

Understanding what Power level means in Destiny 2 is essential to your success in the game. Power determines how much damage you can deal to enemies and how much they can deal back to you. The higher your Power level, the more you can dominate in both PvP and PvE activities. Here’s what the Power level cap is in the latest season of Destiny 2, and where you can obtain Powerful and Pinnacle Gear to help you reach the limit.

What is the Destiny 2 Power level cap?

The Destiny 2 season cap is currently 1,810 Power. Season of the Witch introduced a soft cap of 1,750, which was raised to 1,770 for the Lightfall Legendary campaign. The hard cap is 1,800, but you can continue to increase it by obtaining Pinnacle Gear from challenging content. The pinnacle cap is currently set at 1,810.

Power level bands in Season of the Witch

While you’re free to reach the pinnacle cap if you’re able to complete the most challenging activities, you don’t necessarily need to do so to reach the hard cap. In fact, you’ll want to do everything you can to reach the soft cap as quickly as possible so you can take advantage of its benefits.

What is the soft cap in Destiny 2?

The soft cap in Season of the Witch is 1,750 Power. Reach this number and you’ll be free to participate in Season of the Witch activities. However, you won’t be at a significant disadvantage if you’re only able to reach 1,680 or 1,650 Power. The only difference is that enemies will deal more damage to you.

How do I increase my Power level?

There are a number of activities that can increase your Power level in Destiny 2. The more difficult the activity, the more Powerful Gear you’ll receive. Non-sunset loot is the best way to increase your Power level until you reach the soft cap, which is required for these activities.

Once you reach the soft cap, you’ll need to obtain Powerful Gear rewards from weekly milestones and activities to continue increasing your Power level. Once you reach the hard cap, your sources of Powerful Gear will change slightly, with activities like the gunsmith bounties, Crucible Labs matches, and increasing your Glory rank potentially providing Powerful Gear.

Sources of Powerful and Pinnacle Gear in Destiny 2

Here are every source of Powerful and Pinnacle Gear in Destiny 2:

The Lightfall Legendary campaign is a season-long activity that can be completed at any point during the season. However, you’ll receive a full set of gear at 1,770 Power if you complete it on Legendary difficulty.

What is pinnacle gear?

While the pinnacle cap for your character’s level is 1,800, you can continue to increase your Power by obtaining Pinnacle Gear from challenging content. The pinnacle cap is the highest number you can reach with the best Pinnacle Gear.

In the past, the pinnacle cap was only set by the Lightfall campaign, but it now increases with each season. The pinnacle cap is currently 1,810. However, you can still reach a number above 1,800 if you’re able to obtain Pinnacle Gear from activities such as exotic missions, weekly campaigns, dungeons, and raids.

How do I level my Seasonal Artifact?

The only way to increase your Power level past 1,810 is to reach the pinnacle cap for your Seasonal Artifact. Once you reach level 1,400, begin completing rituals playlists to level your Artifact.

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