Destiny 2’s Season of the Witch brings Deepsight Harmonizers

Destiny 2's Season of the Deep introduces Deepsight Harmonizers, a new weapon system that lets you create powerful Red Border guns.

Destiny 2’s Season of the Witch brings Deepsight Harmonizers
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Destiny 2 Season of the Deep: Introducing Deepsight Harmonizers

The Destiny 2 Season of the Deep has arrived, bringing with it a new system for creating Red Border weapons using Deepsight Harmonizers. These harmonizers allow you to take regular weapons and convert them into powerful, border-style gear. You can then add unique and powerful perks to your weapon, creating a truly unique and powerful arsenal.

With the opportunity to farm and utilise these harmonizers arriving with Season of the Deep, we’ve got everything you need to know about them here.

What are Deepsight Harmonizers in Destiny 2?

Deepsight Harmonizers are an upcoming new system in Destiny 2 that will allow players to convert certain weapons into Red Border weapons. These harmonizers can be found as loot drops and can be used to add unique and powerful perks to your weapons.

You can farm Deepsight Harmonizers by completing activities and earning Decrypted Data. Once you’ve got your harmonizers, you can head to Ada-1 in the Tower to convert your weapons. You’ll need an available weapon slot and the necessary resources to convert your chosen gear, but once you’re set up, you’ll be able to add powerful Red Border weapon, armor, and Ghost perks to your favourite guns.

When can I get Deepsight Harmonizers in Destiny 2?

The Season of the Witch has arrived in Destiny 2 and brings with it the opportunity to use Deepsight Harmonizers. There’s no better time to get involved with this new system and enhance your Destiny 2 experience.

The Season of the Witch offers some of the best weapons to use with Deepsight Harmonizers. We recommend the following:

  • Weapon 1
  • Weapon 2
  • Weapon 3

Whichever weapon(s) you choose, make sure you have plenty of Deepsight Harmonizers to create your own border-style weapons.

Can I convert a weapon more than once in Destiny 2?

No, you can only convert a weapon once using Deepsight Harmonizers. Once you’ve turned your weapon into a Red Border weapon, you’ll notice distinct visual effects and an increase in power.

That’s everything you need to know about the Deepsight Harmonizers system in Destiny 2. With the opportunity to experiment with different weapon combinations and perks, the Season of the Deep offers a new level of personalisation and power to the multiplayer game.

The Destiny 2 community has been positive about the new Harmonizers, with many players expressing their excitement to create their own unique and powerful arsenal in the multiplayer game. With the Deepsight Harmonizers system and the Season of the Deep, Destiny 2 continues to evolve and offer new experiences to players.

Unleash your creativity and power with Deepsight Harmonizers in Destiny 2’s Season of the Witch in the multiplayer game.

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