Here are all the other franchises we want to see in Dynasty Warriors

Explore potential spin-offs for Dynasty Warriors with these exciting franchise suggestions, from Gundam to Warhammer, Final Fantasy to Kingdom Hearts.

Here are all the other franchises we want to see in Dynasty Warriors
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Dynasty Warriors Spin-Offs: Exploring Exciting Franchise Suggestions

As a fan of the Dynasty Warriors games, I’ve been thinking about what other franchises would make great Dynasty Warriors spin-offs. While I’m sure some of you are tired of the series and would prefer not to hear about it, there are quite a few other fans who have their own suggestions for different franchises that would be fun to see given the Dynasty Warriors treatment.

Some of the more popular suggestions include a Megaman Warriors game, where the bosses are playable characters, allowing you to fight in a large-scale robot war featuring massive versions of classic Megaman bosses like Magna Centipede or King Tank. Others suggest a Star Wars Warriors game, as the rapid swinging of lightsabers and charging through hordes of Troopers or Droids sounds extremely satisfying.

Personally, I think a Nintendo crossover Warriors game would be amazing. I’d love to play as Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Diddy Kong, Bowser Jr., and the rest of their cast as they fight among each other, and against the hordes of enemies from other Nintendo franchises like Pikmin, F-Zero, Animal Crossing, and more. Castlevania and Gundam are also mentioned, so I’d better not forget to mention them.

Here are the best suggestions for a Dynasty Warriors-style game, along with a few other suggestions I found interesting enough to include.

Suggestions for Dynasty Warriors Spin-Offs:

  • Castlevania Warriors
  • Warhammer Warriors
  • Star Wars Warriors – Clone Wars or High Republic
  • Megaman Warriors
  • Digimon Warriors with in-game digivolution mechanic
  • Final Fantasy Warriors – draws from entire franchise
  • Fire Emblem Warriors
  • Power Rangers Warriors
  • Marvel or DC Warriors
  • Super Robot Wars
  • League of Legends
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Return of Gundam Warriors or Warhammer 40K Warriors

What do you think of the idea of Dynasty Warriors spin-offs? Are there any other franchises you’d like to see given the Warriors treatment? Let me know in the comments, and we can work on turning your suggestions into reality.

In the meantime, check out the best strategy games on PC, or get yourself caught up on the latest in the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker news.

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