Ahsoka skin in Fortnite could have been a last-minute addition

Fans speculate that the Fortnite Ahsoka skin was added last-minute, as she was absent from the launch trailer.

Ahsoka skin in Fortnite could have been a last-minute addition
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Fortnite Ahsoka Skin: A Last-Minute Addition?

The Fortnite Ahsoka skin quietly made its way into the battle royale game, but some players think it was a last-minute addition. The absence of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars character from the Chapter 4 Season 4 launch trailer raised some eyebrows, as other new skins were front and center.

Speculation that the newest Fortnite character was added late because her addition was rushed also falls in line with the unusual Ahsoka unlock date. She’ll be available on September 27, which is before most Fortnite season four skins, but many players expected her to be a part of the weekly Fortnite weekly rewards instead.

Critics also argue that Ahsoka’s render quality is lower than other season four skins, which could further support the idea that she was added late. Some even say that she wasn’t initially planned for season four based on Disney’s strict guidelines. However, the excitement surrounding the inclusion of one of the most beloved Star Wars characters seems to have won out.

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