All Layers of Fear movie posters locations

Discover all the movie posters in Layers of Fear and their locations. Collect these in-game memorabilia and showcase them in your private cabin.

All Layers of Fear movie posters locations
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Layers of Fear Movie Posters Locations

Are you searching for all of the Layers of Fear movie posters locations? Look no further because we have the correct location for each of these in-game collectibles. The Actor in Layers Of Fear has a long and illustrious career. His fame is what drew you to this house in the first place. While you’re here, he suggests that you gather some of his movie memorabilia.

It may seem like you have time to complete this collection as the game unfolds, but many of the collectibles are hard to reach or inaccessible until you progress the narrative. While playing as the unpredictable and terrifying madness inducing artist, the Actor, you can find every movie poster to display in your private cabin on the second floor. We’ll advise on where to find these collectibles and their respective movies with their accompanying posters. That said, it won’t be an easy task, as many require acrobatic skill, fancy footwork, and an inquisitive mind.

The Actor in Layers of Fear has countless credits under his belt, making him a famous character in the house’s fictional world. You’ll have the chance to manage his career and catalogue his memorabilia, which you can exhibit by standing on the rug on the second floor, just before the dressing room. Your growing collection will be on display for all to see – including the infamous Director, of course.

We’ve listed all of the movie posters and the locations in which you can find them:

Enter an opening in the wall, place a chair on a rotating set, and climb the stepladder. Take the bird’s food from the well to enter the cat and mouse sequence. Return a dog’s bowl from a white sci-fi cabinet by opening a vent under the stairs near the pantry. Check behind the stairs to discover the movie poster.

Climb the roof of the mansion, check the jack-in-the-box by drinking the tequila, and end up in an office. Collecting a flashlight inspires a new maze. Once you climb the stairs at the end of the hall where the double shadows poster is visible, open the locked door with the combination 969. This leads to a small room with a mannequin on a bed. Check the desk to discover a movie poster.

Returning to the corridor where you discover The Trial of A Martyr poster, continue on to a room with a well. Instead of heading down to the bottom level, close a valve to stop the flooding. Check a small passageway behind the stairs for the Hamlet poster.

Alight the elevator and head to the sunken dining room. Open a vault in the back and check the hallway past the bloody table to discover a movie poster.

This one is acquired as a choice in a challenge from the Director. In a hallway after choosing to either take or give up the dog’s food, the Wondrous Voyage Movie poster is in a washroom. Check the opposite side after returning to this hallway.

You’ll visit a large film set with a deadly light. Check a room on the right side of the escape hallway, after passing a projector and another writhing flatscreen to discover the movie poster.

This particular collectible only goes up as far as climbing the stairs. Check the pantry under the stairs in the main house area to find The Pirate Prince And The Cyclops King poster.

The layout of the house is the same as the Painter’s Story, as you might have already discovered. You’ll have a chance to explore the Actor’s cabin, the grand dining room, the rather dingy kitchen, the hallway with the portraits where you must avenge the Lady, and more. Still, keep in mind that the secrets to unlock additional areas of the house are specific to this story. The basement, for instance, can only be unlocked after getting rid of the rat enemy – this involves going through the kitchen and drinking a vial of poison already prepared for their meal.

In the movie theater projection room, follow the hallway past the collapsed roof, an projector, and two mannequin heads. Check the trunk in a new room to discover the Wondrous Voyage poster.

In the ship’s kitchen, check the wall by the back stairs past the pantry to discover The Tempest poster in a storeroom behind shelves.

Make your way to a corridor with bloody walls and descending stairs. Check the Shizo poster on the left-hand side. Enter a corridor with a dead dog and a door that leads to the study.

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