The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Slaughterhouse map guide

Navigate The Texas Chain Saw Massacre's Slaughterhouse map and find all the map locations to increase your chances of survival.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Slaughterhouse map guide
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Slaughterhouse map location

Need help with The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Slaughterhouse map? We’ve got you covered. The map in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is confusing, to say the least. Especially when you consider the multiple buildings, areas, and potential paths you can take to get from A to B. What’s more, you’ll have to keep an eye on the pressure valves and devastating gas, as it’s the only thing that can slow you down.

To survive, you’ll need to unlock doors and choose exits that suit your character’s strengths. Do you have a pick for a lock? Great, but only you’ll know whether that’s enough to unlock a door, so it’s best to explore other options first. However, if you’re in a building with two doors that both require a pick, you’ll need to find another – and fast. It’s a lot to take in, but we’re here to help with The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Slaughterhouse map location, how to read it, and how to escape in one piece.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Slaughterhouse map location

To find the map in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, head to the Slaughterhouse. Before you enter the building, you should find the map on the ground to the left. This marks the starting point for our guide, as it’s the first point of interest on the map.

You can find map locations in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre in one of three ways:

  • Exploring buildings and finding the required items
  • Following the path marked on the map
  • Using the guide below

As you can see, there are multiple buildings around the map that we need to visit. Thankfully, there’s just one path from the Slaughterhouse to these buildings, so it’s easier to keep track of.

There are two lock picks in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and they’re needed to unlock doors in these buildings. You’ll know you’re close to a door when you see a lock icon on the screen. The icon itself tells you how many lock picks you have. If it’s a lock with a number inside the lock, you need to find a lock pick, while a lock with a lock pick inside it tells you how many you have.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Slaughterhouse map

Here’s The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Slaughterhouse map and the locations of each building:

The rear exit is located by making your way through the Facilities Building. Once you’re inside the Slaughterhouse, head through the double doors and take a left, which leads to a hallway. The rear exit is at the end of this hallway.

The road exit is located in the Slaughterhouse. From the rear exit, head back to the hallway and take a right. The road exit is at the end of the hallway.

Both of these buildings require two lock picks, so it’s best to make your way to the Slaughterhouse first.

The rear exit is on the right side of the map, while the road exit is on the left.

There are two lock pick spawn locations in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Holding Pen and The Facilities Building.

Both of these areas are near the rear exit on the map, but you don’t need to go inside them to get a lock pick.

You need two fuse boxes to unlock both exits, so it’s important to keep track of them. The fuse box exit is in the center of the map, east of the Slaughterhouse.

The fuse box spawn locations are:

  • Facilities Building
  • Storage

There are three possible pressure valve tank spawn locations and two possible fuse box spawn locations.

The three possible pressure valve spawn locations are the center shack and the entrances to the Slaughterhouse and Facilities Building.

The two possible fuse box spawn locations are the Pump Storage room and the Furnace Room. Make sure to search these areas for the necessary items.

Now you know how to read The Texas Chain Saw Massacre map and where to find all the map locations. Keep in mind that it’s easy to get lost in the large buildings, so be sure to check your map often. Also, be sure to monitor pressure valves, as it takes time to reach the basement and turn them off. Finally, keep an eye on your surroundings, as Leatherface can be anywhere at any time.

And that’s it for our The Texas Chain Saw Massacre map guide. Happy hunting!

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