The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Characters and Attributes explained

Discover the characters in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and their unique attributes. Play as the Family or Victims and uncover their strengths and weaknesses.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Characters and Attributes explained
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Everything you need to know about the characters in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Want to know more about the characters in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre? The Saw franchise has a rich cast of characters, ranging from the iconic Leatherface to grunts, cops, and more. The game revolves around saving the family members or going on the hunt for the Victims. Depending on which side you’re on, you have different objectives and special abilities.

Some characters are available from the start, but the playable characters in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre change depending on the mode you select. For the main campaign, you can choose to play as the Family or Victims. If you’re up for a more challenging experience, you can go up against Leatherface and his family by playing as them in the free roam mode. Here’s how each character compares based on their attributes and special abilities in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre characters and attributes

In The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, there are two types of characters: Family members and Victims. Each has their own attributes, which you can increase by using the skill tree.

Here are all the characters and attributes in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre:

As you can see, each character has three Attributes. Family members have the same three Attributes, while Victims have five. While we don’t know if these Attributes affect anything in the main campaign, they are crucial to surviving against The Family in the free roam mode.

Family members’ Attributes

This is what the three Attributes for the family members do in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre:

Leatherface has the highest Savagery for maximum damage output and the ability to harvest blood more quickly. His low Cunning stat means he’s less observant, making it harder for him to detect you. This also means he’s less effective in combat and at performing stealthy tasks.

Blood harvesting increases the amount of blood you can get at one time, allowing you to use the blood vial more frequently. This is useful in combat, as you can improve your stamina regeneration by increasing the amount of blood you can consume.

Thanks to his high damage and endurance stats, Leatherface can take a beating and survive longer than the other characters. Endurance reduces stamina drain and helps with regeneration.

Victims’ Attributes

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Victims have the following five Attributes:

Toughness affects health and incapacitation time. For example, if you’re hit by a chainsaw or a gunshot, your incapacitation time increases. If you’re incapacitated, you can’t move or use items, so it’s better to avoid it by boosting this Attribute.

Endurance determines stamina and its draining/regeneration rate. Stamina is crucial in combat and stealth scenarios, so if you’re in a pinch, you can increase your stamina so you can fight back or run away.

Strength affects stun duration and task completion time. Stun duration is especially useful, as it allows you to stun the enemy, which you can use to your advantage by performing takedowns or initiating combat.

Proficiency determines the time taken for skill-based actions. For example, if you’re trying to pick a lock, it’s quicker if you have a high proficiency.

Stealth is a special attribute for Victims only. It helps you with noise-making tasks, like breaking glass or smashing through doors. Stealth does not affect general stealth, so you’re still vulnerable if you’re not hidden.

That’s everything you need to know about the characters in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. You can master the game by learning how to survive the Family or go on the hunt by taking control of The Family in the free roam mode.

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