Texas Chain Saw Massacre chasing guide

Improve your chasing skills in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre as a Family member or escape as a Victim.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre chasing guide
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Chasing Guide

Chases play a part in every single match of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Sometimes you’re the pursuer, sometimes you’re the person being pursued, and sometimes you’re both at the same time. Even though the game focuses on stealth, you’ll inevitably have to run away from Family members or chase down Victims as needed. Utilising a chase guide will help you get a positive result from the situation, requiring planning and quick action.

It’s worth noting that some of the tips in our Texas Chain Saw Massacre tips guide can help with chases as well, but this guide focuses specifically on tips related to chasing and being chased. Each Family member has unique techniques and abilities that you should learn to chase down foes or counter them.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Chasing Tips

These are some tips for when you’re being chased:


Leatherface can cut down blockades and thrust his chainsaw into wall gaps and crawl spaces.


Cook can track people by listening, place locks on doors, and kick in crawl spaces.


Johnny can kick crawl spaces and has the Track ability to find footsteps of nearby enemies.

Hitchhiker and Sissy

Hitchhiker and Sissy can crawl through wall cracks and crawl spaces. Hitchhiker can also place traps while Sissy uses poison.

General Texas Chain Saw Massacre Chasing Tips

These tips apply regardless of who is chasing you:

  • Setting up to prepare for a chase
  • Cut off escapes
  • Destroy barricades
  • Working with teammates to chase
  • Knowing when to disengage and stop chasing

That’s our Texas Chain Saw Massacre chasing guide. For more ways to improve your game, check out our guides to the best Texas Chain Saw Massacre characters, the best Texas Chain Saw Massacre perks, and how to play as the Survivor in multiplayer. We also have a dedicated Texas Chain Saw Massacre review if you want to know what we think of the game.

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