The Texas Chain Saw Massacre game is a hit, but these changes would make it even better

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre game has struck fear into our hearts, but we've got a few ideas to improve the horror game.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre game is a hit, but these changes would make it even better
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Game: Improvements to Take It from Good to Great

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre game has been an incredible success, striking fear into the hearts of Horror genre fans as we recreate our favorite moments from one of the best horror movies of all time, and even, in some cases, scenarios that never even occurred to us as fans of the film. But while the game is undoubtedly a hit, with more coming, including more killers and maps, there are some changes that could take it from good to great, from more customization to a hardcore mode.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre game features some of the most iconic killers in all of horror, and it has a lot going for it. From the incredible attention to detail in the map design to the sheer scope of the gameplay, it’s a must-play for any fan of the genre. But there are a few ways it could be even better, and we’ve got some suggestions.

More Customization and New Scenarios

There are so many amazing horror movies with such iconic killers and such clever escape scenarios that I just want to see represented in the game. So while I love that the game offers scenarios similar to my favorite films, and it’s great that they’re so well-imitated, there are some opportunities to take the game to a new level.

One simple suggestion is to introduce fakeout escapes, where killers can hide in the escape area, leading to a surprise kill. This would add just a tiny bit of extra tension to the game, and it could be balanced by making it impossible for survivors to hide in the escape area.

Another simple one would be to allow players to create custom survivors, or at least choose their gender, appearance, and starting weapons. This would go a long way to enhancing the immersion and fear for players, because it’s hard to get scared when you’re just playing as a faceless avatar.

The game could also really benefit from some false sound impacts, like rats making noises to distract other players. This would level the playing field in a lot of ways, and it would be a blast to see other players trying to escape while rats run around squeaking behind them.

Bringing in more weak characters as under-armed police officers or nearby citizens would also be great. I love how some of the killers can take out a group of armed police officers, but it would be even better if more people were armed, or if police officers were armed but not very good at fighting.

Another great suggestion would be a cinematic mode, which would let you rewatch matches to try to understand what other players were doing, or just replay the really exciting ones.

I also really like the idea of some really enclosed areas within some of the maps. Things like small sheds or houses could be great places for tension, with killers able to break down doors and windows pretty quickly, or survivors able to barricade themselves in, but with no real safe areas.

There are some great suggestions for killers, too, but I think the game is pretty perfect in terms of the survivors and their abilities. I think bringing in some one-hit kills and some incapacitation abilities, with no major advantages, would be a real challenge, but it would be an incredible experience.

Another thing I’d love to see is blood trails and the option to leave false trails. I love the strategy of figuring out where other players are going based on their blood, but I think it would be even more fun to be able to mislead players by leaving false trails.

I also think a sanity meter that increases based on exposure to horror would be a great addition, and it could lead to some pretty debilitating effects for survivors if they max out their sanity meter.

Another great idea I’ve seen floating around is an in-depth map creator, allowing players to create their own terrifying locations and share them with other players. I think this would be a great way to add a ton of longevity to the game, and I’d love to see it implemented.

Those are just some suggestions for the Texas Chain Saw Massacre game, but if you have some ideas of your own, or have tried out some killer strategies of your own, leave them in the comment section below.

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