Texas Chain Saw Massacre – Unlockable perks

Upgrade your characters and unlock new perks in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre with the Skill Tree.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre – Unlockable perks
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Want to know about the unlockable Texas Chain Saw Massacre perks? The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has a Skill Tree that allows you to upgrade your character and unlock new perks to suit your play style. Each character has their own unique Skill Tree with different paths, while Family members have a Grandpa perk to enhance their ability. You can earn Skill Points by leveling up, which you can use to unlock Attribute Points and Perks.

Each character has a unique Skill Tree with different paths and unique perks. Skill Points are earned by leveling up, which you can use to unlock Attribute Points and Perks. Attribute Points can be used to upgrade a character’s attributes, while Perks can be equipped in the loadout. Family members also have a Grandpa perk that enhances their ability.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Perks

Paths in the Skill Tree are divided, so you must decide which path you want to go down. This means you can’t unlock perks along multiple paths until you’ve chosen one path and the others become blocked. You’ll need around 50 Skill Points to fully upgrade a character to level ten.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre perk system has both guaranteed and randomized perks. Guaranteed perks, such as Quicker Revive, stay in the same position every time you reset the Tree, while randomized perks, such as Fast Jog, can be new, and you’ll have to reset multiple times if you want to get them. Victim and Survivor perks can’t be obtained by Family members, and vice versa.

You can reset the Skill Tree using the Respec button without any cost, so don’t worry if you change your mind. You can also hover over each perk to read its description.

Unlocking the entire Tree allows you to see the positions of each perk, which can be useful if you want to obtain a desired random perk. Multiple resets also allow you to do this, so you can choose a path that suits your play style and build your character accordingly.

The developers state that characters can’t upgrade their Tree once they reach level ten, so you won’t be able to obtain perks such as Double Damage. However, the characters do have an Ability Tree that can be opened once they reach level ten. The Tree provides special buffs for the character’s ability as XP is earned.

The ability tree can be reset for free as many times as you want, so if you want to open it and obtain the buffs as soon as possible, you can do so without having to pay.

That’s everything you need to know about the Texas Chain Saw Massacre perks system. If you’re looking for more in-depth info about the game, here’s our Texas Chainsaw Massacre review. We also have a list of the best PC games if you want to try something completely new.

Original guide by Ford James

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre perks system allows you to build your character to suit your play style.

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