How to recruit Starfield crew members Lin and Heller

Recruit Starfield crew members Lin and Heller during the main questline. Learn how to bring them back to your settlement and assign them to outposts.

How to recruit Starfield crew members Lin and Heller
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Recruit Starfield Crew Members Lin and Heller

The opening moments of Starfield introduce us to a few characters, including Lin and Heller. Both of them play a significant role in the game’s story, but you may forget about them later on due to the sheer number of named NPCs.

Starfield allows you to recruit crew members that you can assign to specific outposts. These individuals come from all walks of life, including scientists and miners. Lin and Heller are the first characters you meet in the game, and they become recruitable during the main questline. To help you bring them back, we’re going to explain how to recruit Starfield crew members Lin and Heller.

How to Recruit Starfield Crew Members Lin and Heller

Lin and Heller become recruitable through the main questline, specifically during the quest ‘The Empty Nest’. During this quest, you’re tasked with bringing back several Constellation members, including Lin and Heller.

Lin is still where she was left, although she will now be protected by robots. Heller, on the other hand, can be found at the crash site of a Crimson Fleet vessel. Both of them have the Outpost skill at the third tier, making them suitable for outpost assignments. Our advice is to build an outpost before assigning Lin and Heller to improve their performance.

And that’s how you recruit Starfield crew members Lin and Heller. While they may not play a key role in the main story, it’s worth exploring the game and not rushing through the main questline. The Starfield beta gave us a taste of the vast interstellar adventure to come, but the full game promises so much more with its huge outposts and deep space exploration.

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