Texas Chain Saw Massacre tips for beginners

Surviving the Texas Chain Saw Massacre requires teamwork. Here are some tips for beginners.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre tips for beginners
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Texas Chain Saw tips for beginners

Looking for Texas Chain Saw Massacre tips for beginners? The asymmetrical game is based on the 1974 movie of the same name, where players can either be the victims or the deranged Family members. Up to four Victims and three Family members can play, so teamwork is key to winning.

If you’re new to the game, there are a few tips you should know about to help you survive. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a gruesome Horror game, so don’t be too worried about your own safety. Instead, you should be keeping an eye out for the deranged Sawyer family members. We’ve played a lot of the game, so here’s some of our Texas Chain Saw Massacre tips for beginners.

Quickly freeing yourself from ropes as a Victim

Quickly freeing yourself from ropes as a Victim is essential, as the Family can’t locate you during this animation. If you’re discovered, you have to fend off the deranged Sawyer family with your fists, but if you’re free, you can run and hide until you’re ready to fight.

Family member strategies

As a Family member, remember to lock doors behind you to delay the Victims’ escape. You might also want to latch doors to slow them down, and slamming doors can stun them. Maps can be a little tricky to navigate, so use any perks that you can to locate Toolboxes and exits. We also recommend using information perks to reveal who the Victims are, where they are located, and whether or not they’re injured. Not only does this help you locate them, but it also reveals exits and Valve/Fuse locations to the Family, increasing your chances of Survival.

Grandpa and character abilities

As a Family member, Grandpa is your best friend, but he can also be your worst enemy. He’s a crucial mechanic to the game, as he can detect you based on noise and blood levels. Be aware of his screams – if he hears you, you’re in trouble. The Victims will have to feed Grandpa blood to prevent this, but we recommend prioritising feeding Grandpa to the Family.

Each character has a unique ability that can be used strategically to track and hinder the opposing side. Understanding your character’s role is crucial to your survival – if you’re a Leatherface character, you’re the main killing machine, so you should be the one to locate and attack the Victims. If you’re the Nurse, your role is to heal the Family, so you should be looking out for Toolboxes and Blood Pools to keep your allies alive.

Now you know some of our Texas Chain Saw tips, you should be ready to survive or capture the Victims. The asymmetrical game is brutal, so don’t be surprised if you lose some friends along the way.

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