Subnautica: Creature’s eggs explained

Scan creatures and avoid danger in Subnautica by finding their eggs.

Subnautica: Creature’s eggs explained
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Subnautica: Finding Eggs to Scan Creatures

Need to find all the Subnautica creature eggs? Scanning creatures is important if you want to learn more about these aquatic animals, but some are dangerous and will attack you on sight. Thankfully, there is a way to avoid hostility while also collecting data on these magnificent beasts.

The denizens of Subnautica's planet 4546B are as beautiful as they are dangerous. When the supply pod crash lands on the alien world, the priority becomes searching for food, water, and materials to construct a base. However, you can't go for long without learning about the planet's varied fauna and flora. Scanning the beasts and observing their behavior is often the key to Survival. Some of these creatures can aid the player in their endeavors, but many pose a grave threat and must be neutralized. If a creature won't let you scan it, how do you get close enough to collect data? Others are passive but roam unfamiliar territory, so you need to earn their trust before they'll let you get close. In all these scenarios, finding creatures' eggs is crucial to prevent attacks or flight.

How to Hatch Eggs in Subnautica

There are multiple reasons why finding and hatching these eggs is beneficial, and all the information needed to do so is contained in the Atlas and Archive. The backstory refers to the early days of exploration, before the Aurora crashed and the repercussions it had on the planet.

Each egg corresponds to a particular species that isn't very friendly, or at least won't accept the player when they try to scan them. Fortunately, there are eggs belonging to the very same species sitting on rocks somewhere. When players gather these eggs and keep them warm until they hatch, the baby creatures will warmly greet them, saving them the hassle of having to earn their trust the hard way.

The benefits of hatching eggs are as follows:

  • You'll find numerous eggs scattered around the biomes of 4546B, sometimes in open water or in caves. Each egg is identified by the biome where it was found and its appearance, making them easy to track down. See the table below for a list of all 17 eggs and their locations, respective species, and viable biomes to house the babies.
Egg Location Species Viable Biomes
Egg 1 Location 1 Species 1 Viable Biomes 1

While players may obtain the blueprint of the Alien Containment early on, it is only possible to craft it once they obtain the necessary blueprints for Titanium. It's important to note that hatched creatures can die if there are too many species in the Alien Containment. The blueprint for these devices can be obtained from data boxes in the Aurora, Lifepod, and the Old Village.

Building the Alien Containment requires glass and titanium. Use the Habitat Builder to put it together. In the same menu, players can also add, remove, or return creatures to the aquarium.

Here are all the Subnautica eggs and where to find them:

  • Egg 1 - Location 1 - Species 1 - Viable Biomes 1

If a creature won't let you scan it, how do you get close enough to collect data? Others are passive but roam unfamiliar territory, so you need to earn their trust before they'll let you get close. In all these scenarios, finding creatures' eggs is crucial to prevent attacks or flight. Thankfully, there is a way to avoid hostility while also collecting data on these magnificent beasts in one of the best PC games of 2023.

Subnautica Tips and Tricks

Players have made it to the bottom of one of the most dangerous oceans in the world, but how do they thrive in Subnautica? Thriving means building habitats, exploring, and collecting important resources, but it also means living in harmony with the planet's bizarre life forms - some of which are quite fearsome. Thankfully, players needn't worry about Subnautica leviathans and other dangerous monsters because we've got them covered. Here are some handy tips for life under the sea:

When scanning a leviathan, players might notice a message in the top right corner saying something like 'Do not approach!' As they explore the depths of 4546B, they'll inevitably run into these giant creatures, but there's nothing they can do to make them interact with them.

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