Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales meme is still going strong

Experience the immersive world of Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales, and feel the power of being Spider-Man in this highly anticipated game.

Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales meme is still going strong
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales

The Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales meme has endured, as the game’s “exaggerated swagger of a black teen” line from a review has become a memorable meme of its own accord. The line’s transformation demonstrates the power of Spider-Man PS4’s immersive experience, as you feel like you’re actually swinging through New York City as the Marvel superhero.

We’ve been here before, as the Spider-Man PS4 Miles Morales meme has been around for a good three years now, but it’s still going strong as the game’s review quotes continue to provide hilarious fodder.

As Miles’ portrayal in Spider-Man PS4 has been a point of contention since the game’s announcement, one line in particular has sparked conversation about representation in video games. Miles being his own Spider-Man with his own identity has been praised by many, but the debate arises whether he should have a different name or not, similar to how Batman’s sidekicks take on different identities.

Some argue that Miles being Spider-Man alongside Peter holds more significance and avoids the sidekick dynamic, while others suggest that Miles could have a unique name to differentiate himself from Peter. The game’s inclusion of multiple Spider-Men has received mixed reviews, with some feeling it’s overwhelming, while others appreciate the diversity and collaboration.

Spider-Man PS4’s Miles Morales meme has managed to infect other games, with the Arkham series being one prominent example. It’s clear that the meme has had a lasting impact on the gaming community, as it’s a humorous twist on a review quote that has resonated with players.

It’s not all positive and relevant comments though, with some focusing on more explicit or controversial themes. Nevertheless, the meme and its associated game have managed to generate anticipation for future funny memes and references.

If you’re thinking about jumping into the webslinger’s latest adventure, make sure to check out our Spider-Man PS4 review, as we describe the game as a “triumphant return” for Marvel’s friendly neighbourhood superhero.

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