Tasty Raspberry Pi project cooks up a Raspberry Pie

A Raspberry Pi project turns an oven into a temperature-controlled appliance and bakes a delicious Raspberry Pi pie

Tasty Raspberry Pi project cooks up a Raspberry Pie
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

A Raspberry Pi project turns an oven into a temperature-controlled appliance and bakes a delicious Raspberry Pi pie

A Raspberry Pi project turns a humble oven into a temperature-controlled device and uses it to bake a tasty Raspberry Pi Pie. This tasty project comes to us from maker Steve Kasuya, who regularly posts new content on his YouTube channel and website, Raspi-School. Kasuya uses a Raspberry Pi to power an oven and also demonstrates another nifty Pico-powered project, this time a gaming kettle with RGB LED effects.

The Raspberry Pi oven is Kasuya’s latest project, and he’s chosen to use it to bake a Raspberry Pi Pie – get it? Kasuya uses a temperature probe to ensure that the Pi-shaped pastry cooks at the right temperature, and the oven is powered by a DC adaptor, not a GPIO pin.

Kasuya shows off the oven at a Maker event in Akihabara, Japan, alongside his Pico-powered gaming kettle. The maker demonstrates how the RGB LEDs change color depending on which character is playing in the Super Mario Bros-esque game that’s running on the Pico. Kasuya says he plans to upgrade the kettle with a temperature sensor, and that the color of the LEDs will then correspond to the water temperature.

Check out the video below to see Kasuya’s projects in action – and don’t forget to lend the maker a thumbs up if you enjoy his work. Kasuya regularly posts new content on his YouTube channel, so you can subscribe to keep up to date.

Visit Kasuya’s website, Raspi-School, for more Raspberry Pi tutorials and tips.

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