Remnant 2: Bulwark, explained

Increase your chances of survival in Remnant 2 with our guide to the Bulwark buff.

Remnant 2: Bulwark, explained
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Remnant 2: Bulwark Buff Guide

Are you confused about what the Remnant 2 Bulwark buff does and how to get it? Like many aspects of the game, it can be easy to get lost in the many stats and buffs available in Remnant 2. It’s natural to want to push forward and discover things for yourself, but if that leads to you not understanding something crucial to your survival, it’s best to seek help.

One such confusing aspect is the various buffs you can find in the RPG game. There are numerous ways to increase your stats, including the elusive Bulwark buff. If you’re struggling to survive the toughest challenges in Remnant 2, having this powerful buff on your side could be the difference between life and death. So, if you’re looking for ways to bolster your tank and draw enemies’ attention away from your more fragile teammates, read on to learn more about the Bulwark buff in Remnant 2: Bulwark.

What is the Bulwark buff in Remnant 2?

The Bulwark buff is a reduction in damage, which can be stacked up to three times, for a total of 15 percent. You can only have one Bulwark buff active at a time, but it’s highly advantageous during challenging boss fights and for Tank builds.

There are multiple ways to obtain the Bulwark buff in Remnant 2, so if you’re already wearing a piece of gear that grants it and want to stack it, it won’t overwrite the buff already active on your character.

Here are all the items that grant the Bulwark buff in Remnant 2:

How to get the Bulwark buff

The Challenger Archetype is the easiest way to get the Bulwark buff. You can either find the Challenger’s Shield or Challenger’s Helm, both of which grant the Bulwark buff.

There are other items that grant the Bulwark buff, such as the Blessed Ring and Guardian’s Ring, though it’s unclear as to how you acquire them. It’s also possible to obtain Bulwark by using the Fae Bruiser Ring which grants Bulwark when dealing Melee Damage, or the Hardcore Metal Band which grants Bulwark when taking damage. Finally, the Mechanic’s Cog grants both Bulwark and increased Movement Speed when carrying an Engineer Heavy Weapon.

The Rusted Heirloom grants Bulwark when your HP is below 50 percent. You can get multiple Rusted Heirlooms, with their effects stacking, so you can become even tougher in the event of an unfortunate encounter with a powerful enemy or boss.

The Soul Guard grants Bulwark for every active Summon. You can equip multiple Soul Guards, with their effects stacking, to become a true tank.

That’s everything you need to know about the Remnant 2 Bulwark buff. Don’t let confusion hold you back, learn all about everything there is to know about this and other buffs in the game. Unleash your inner tank and draw enemies’ attention away from your teammates so they can reign supreme in their respective builds.

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