Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life farming guide

A comprehensive farming guide for Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life farming guide
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life Farming Guide

Farming is an essential aspect of life in Forgotten Valley in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. As you embark on your farming journey, our guide will provide you with tips and tricks to help you make the most of your new life as a farmer.

Relationships play a crucial role in the game, as befriending the dynamic characters of Forgotten Valley unlocks rewards and quests specific to each character. Keeping track of your relationships is made easy with the affection tracker for each resident in the menu.

How to Befriend Residents

Each character has a favorite gift, so be sure to give them something they like to strengthen your relationship. Pay attention to the notifications you receive when your relationship with a character increases, and consult the Resident Info tab in the menu to discover the best gifts for each character.

Here is a list of all the residents in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life and how to befriend them:

If you have a good relationship with a resident and have received the Blue Feather, your affection with them must be high enough to receive the item. Additionally, you must have a free marriage-ready house in order to propose to them.

How to Get Married

Getting married by the end of Year One is vital, as the game will choose a spouse for you if you fail to do so. To propose, you will need a Blue Feather, a marriage proposal item given to you when your affection with a character is high enough. Choose your spouse from a list of romanceable characters who would have accepted your Blue Feather, provided you have a free marriage-ready house.

Birth of Children in A Wonderful Life

Your child in A Wonderful Life is influenced by both parents and their traits, making each child unique. Interacting with your child, giving them gifts related to their interests, and building a relationship can shape their interests and future.

In addition to shaping your child's interests, your spouse also has an influence. At your wedding, your spouse will ask if you have a preference for having a son or a daughter. The following year, you can make your choice and select from the spouses in the marriage pool who would have accepted your proposal.

Raising Your Child

Since your child's interests are influenced by both parents, you can shape their interests from birth. Caring for your animals is also crucial, as happy animals produce better products. Regularly brushing, snuggling, and talking to your animals will help bond with them. Female animals, such as cows and goats, produce more milk after giving birth, making them more profitable. Breeding female animals can also increase your profits.

Hybrid crops are a lucrative option, as they sell for more than basic crops. Upgrading your tools, such as the Sickle, allows you to harvest multiple crops at once, making farming more efficient.

Regularly checking and watering your crops, as well as applying fertilizer, are essential for their growth and quality. Investing in farm building upgrades, seeds, animals, and tool upgrades will boost your profits and unlock new features in the game. With time, your farm will grow into a self-sufficient community, and you will enjoy a fulfilling life in Forgotten Valley.

Stay tuned for our next guide on how to make friends in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope.

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