How to romance Matthew in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

Matthew, the stoic and cold brother of Vesta in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, questions whether a life on his sister's farm is right for him.

How to romance Matthew in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Matthew's Schedule

Matthew, the resident tough-exterior farmhand in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, can usually be found at Vesta's Farm. He spends his mornings inside the farmhouse, but after that, he prefers to walk around outside. On regular days, he follows a strict schedule, waking up at 6:00 AM and staying inside the farmhouse until 1:00 PM. Then, he heads out to wander around Vesta's Farm until around 4:00 PM. After that, he goes to the Bluebird Cafe and returns to the Farmhouse by evening, where he stays until he goes to bed at 9:30 PM. However, when Van is in town, Matthew spends his mornings at the Waterfall by the Dig Site up the road from Vesta's Farm.

Matthew's Gifts

If you want to Romance Matthew, you can check his affection for you in his diary at the farmhouse or by checking the Relationships tab in your Bag menu. Based on his affection, you can give him different items as gifts. Additionally, Matthew, like Vesta and Cecilia, sells seeds if you talk to him inside the farmhouse. If you're interested in romancing Matthew, our guide can help you with his schedule and the gifts he likes. By experiencing the four Heart Events that reveal more about his personality, you can unlock the option to marry him and spend your days with the sensitive man beneath his tough exterior.

Marrying Matthew

Before you can marry Matthew, you must witness all four of his Heart Events. This will also allow you to see the marriage candidate endings and unlock the Blue Feather. Once you've decided to marry Matthew, giving him the Blue Feather during Year One triggers an additional bonus scene. Keep in mind that your children in the game inherit interests from both parents, so Matthew's child will naturally have an affinity for farming with two farmer parents. If you're interested in having a child with Matthew, consult the baby birth chart in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life to determine the baby's birth month and traits.

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