In what might be the most meta crossover ever witnessed, a skilled individual in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has ingeniously fashioned their very own TIE Fighter. This remarkable feat was accomplished by utilizing a novel material and power source within the Nintendo game. Recognized as an iconic symbol of the Galactic Empire in the legendary Star Wars series, the TIE fighter now soars through the skies of Hyrule, captivating the imagination of Zelda players everywhere.
The aircraft, which was shared on the HyruleEngineering subreddit by the talented u/19yellowrubberducks, showcases the immense creativity of Zelda enthusiasts. The aerospace marvel is constructed using a lightweight material, obtainable from floors in wind-powered elevators. This innovative substance is propelled by a single fan and has been employed by players to generate Autobuild blueprints, enabling them to replicate the material for their own unique creations.
Comprising of expansive panels and supplementary blocks for added support in the cockpit, the aircraft defies expectations as it maneuvers through the air using a steering stick. Given its considerable size, the fact that it is capable of flight is truly astonishing. Emanating from one of the game's hollow floating orbs, the sight of this magnificent creation is a spectacle to behold.
Watch the Impressive Video Here:
The video, created by the talented u/19yellowrubberducks, showcases this extraordinary creation. However, the identity of the original model creator remains unknown.
Without a doubt, players of Tears of the Kingdom have astoundingly crafted their very own TIE Fighter utilizing this extraordinary new material within the Nintendo game.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is currently available on Nintendo Switch, offering an immersive gaming experience for fans of the series.
For the latest updates on all things Nintendo, stay tuned, and for more information on the Zelda game, discover how to obtain unlimited batteries in Tears of the Kingdom.