The Legend of Zelda dragons get more character in Tears of the Kingdom

The Legend of Zelda dragons are taking on a much more important role in Tears of the Kingdom as we learn more about the ancient Zonai civilization.

The Legend of Zelda dragons get more character in Tears of the Kingdom
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Legend of Zelda dragons in Tears of the Kingdom

The Legend of Zelda dragons have always been a fantastical part of the series. They vary from being enemies to wise beings, but the Tears of the Kingdom trailers show that the legendary beasts are taking on a much more significant role in the world of Zelda.

We’ve seen The Legend of Zelda dragons in many games, but The Wind Waker was the first to give them more character. The dragon Valoo was an ally to Link in that game, and Breath of the Wild‘s Dinraal, Farosh, and Naydra are the latest examples of the majestic and enigmatic creatures in the game.

In The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, there are three dragons named Eldin, Faron, and Lanayru. These powerful beings serve as protectors and grant Link the Song of the Goddess. It’s unclear if they’re the same dragons who play a role in Breath of the Wild, but it’s a possibility.

Tears of the Kingdom introduces the Light Dragon

Tears of the Kingdom introduces a new dragon named The Light Dragon, who appears in the opening cinematic. This creature has a unique flight pattern compared to the other dragons in the game and seems to play a key role in the story.

In addition to these dragons, we also see the Zonai, an ancient civilization who worshiped the beasts. They possessed powerful artifacts called Secret Stones, which grant immense power to their wielders. These stones can also cause the wielder to transform into Immortal Dragons.

We see a Zonai priestess named Anjali, who’s also the Queen of Zora’s Domain, wearing the Barbarian armor set, which suggests the Zonai were revered as gods in Hyrule. A Barbarian armor set was also seen in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, so this further illustrates the Zonai’s legacy within Hyrule.

There are ruins that seem to be Zonai architecture, and we see the ancient people praising Hylia, similar to the other Hyruleans. The Zonai also have their own dragons, The Light Dragon being one of them, though it’s unclear if they’re the same ones in Breath of the Wild.

The other two dragons are The Demon Dragon, which is featured in the game’s promotional art, and a dragon protecting the Springs in Breath of the Wild. The latter may be the Zonai, who worshiped dragons, or they could be Hylian dragons sent by Hylia to protect them.

There are also three Immortal Dragons in the game, which appear to be Dinraal, Farosh, and Naydra. However, it’s unclear if these are the same dragons in Breath of the Wild. The trailer also shows a dragon that appears to be The Light Dragon, who’s a Zonai, thus not an Immortal Dragon.

The fate of the Zonai remains unknown, but it’s possible that they became Immortal Dragons. We also see a hooded figure who’s possibly the Zonai leader and The Demon Dragon.

The origin and nature of The Legend of Zelda dragons remain mysterious and open to interpretation. The dragons in Tears of the Kingdom continue the tradition of majestic and enigmatic creatures in the game.

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