These video game stories completely change halfway through

Some of the best video game stories take a surprising and unpredictable turn that keeps players captivated.

These video game stories completely change halfway through
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Looking for a list of video games that have compelling stories? You’d be hard-pressed to find a medium that’s better at telling stories than games. Some games, of course, choose to tell a straightforward tale – it’s hard to argue that God of War is anything but a linear story with little deviation. But other games want to push the boundaries of what a story can be. Some of the best video games with stories completely change their narrative direction partway through, creating a unique and completely unexpected experience for players.

Many games get compared to movies, but games have the advantage of lasting longer. This allows for different storytelling approaches. Some games, like The Last of Us and Red Dead Redemption 2, stick to a very linear story, but others take more risks with their narratives. Video game stories can be complex and have deep characters, and they’re not afraid of taking dramatic twists and turns. Here are some of the best video game stories that completely changed halfway through.


Portal starts off with the protagonist, Chell, waking up in a testing facility and following the instructions of the AI, GlaDOS, who is putting her through a series of tests. However, the story takes a dark turn when GlaDOS tries to kill Chell, forcing her to escape.

Fallout 4

Fallout 4 begins with the protagonist entering a Vault to escape a nuclear blast that destroyed the world outside. However, this story takes a complete turn when their baby is stolen, and they must embark on a mission to find and save their child in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Fable 3

Fable 3 revolves around overthrowing a tyrant ruler to become the hero of Albion. However, halfway through, the player character learns of an impending evil threat that the world faces, and they must make difficult choices to protect the kingdom.

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune starts as a classic treasure hunting adventure. However, the discovery of a cursed treasure turns the focus to stopping a villain from using it as a bio-weapon.

South Park: The Stick Of Truth

South Park: The Stick Of Truth starts as a simple role-playing game, but when an alien ship crashes and releases a substance that turns people into nazi zombies, the new kid must uncover a government cover-up and save the town.

Assassin’s Creed 3

Assassin’s Creed 3 introduces a protagonist who appears to be building an Assassin order. However, it’s eventually revealed that they are an evil Templar, and the story shifts to their son seeking revenge as an Assassin.

Saints Row: The Third

Saints Row: The Third centres around taking down criminal gangs. However, when a government task force is created to eliminate these gangs, the story becomes a fight for survival against the government.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 follows the Van Der Linde gang’s struggle for survival. However, after the death of the protagonist Arthur Morgan, the story shifts to his friend John Marston’s quest for revenge and a new life.

These video games demonstrate the ability of video game narratives to surprise and captivate players. They showcase the unique storytelling possibilities of the medium, proving that video games are an equal storytelling partner to movies.

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