How to pick up and throw enemies in Gang Beasts

Learn how to pick up and throw enemies in Gang Beasts with our helpful guide.

How to pick up and throw enemies in Gang Beasts
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Gang Beasts: How to Pick Up and Throw Enemies

Trying to figure out how to pick up and throw enemies in Gang Beasts? Gang Beasts’ controls can be a bit unorthodox, so it’s tough to know what any given button does. Fortunately, we’ve got the lowdown on grabbing opponents and items in this indie game’s Multiplayer mode. Once you know what’s going on, you’ll be able to begin outclassing your opponents.

Being able to grab your foes is crucial to success in Gang Beasts. The throw range is short, so you’ll constantly be at risk of being grabbed and punched repeatedly in the face by your opponent. Learning how to rough them up and knock them down is your best bet for getting rid of them.

How to Pick Up Opponents in Gang Beasts

To grab an opponent in Gang Beasts, hold both Punch buttons, and then hold the Lift button to throw them. Picking up items should be no problem once you get used to it.

When you’re grabbing someone, you can lift them up by pressing Punch, and then throw them by pressing Punch again. You can also run and jump while throwing to get more range. If you’re being grabbed, you can hit either Punch button to break free.

Enemies in Gang Beasts are feisty, so you may end up getting grabbed by them instead. If they grab you, they can either throw you or punch you repeatedly. If you see someone grab one of your opponents, try to knock them down to get rid of them.

How to Knock Opponents Down in Gang Beasts

Knocking foes down is a good strategy because they will be unable to grab or punch you until they get back up. You can help them up by grabbing them with both hands and running over to a steep ledge to drop them off.

This is the best way to get rid of your foes in Gang Beasts. You can also rough them up a bit before dropping them off. If you just drop them from a short height, they’ll take damage from the fall and be able to get back up more quickly.

That’s how to pick up and throw opponents in Gang Beasts. Like in Fall Guy and Super Smash Bros, you’ll want your opponents to fall while you sail ahead. Being agile and adapting to the unpredictable actions of your foes is key. With practice and a bit of strategy, you can become a formidable force. If you want to dominate the competition today, join the Gang Beasts community.

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