Sneaking in Skyrim reference delights DOOM players

DOOM 2016 sneaks in a Skyrim reference, delighting players as they blast their way through the FPS game's levels.

Sneaking in Skyrim reference delights DOOM players
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

DOOM 2016: A Delightful Skyrim Reference

A Skyrim reference in DOOM 2016 has delighted fans as the FPS game continues its bloody journey through Hell. As we continue to blast our way through the bloody corridors of DOOM (2016), we find subtle references to other iconic games, including Skyrim and Doom. As a huge fan of both games, I’m absolutely delighted to see this Easter egg, and I’m not alone.

“He used to be an adventurer like you, until he took an imp’s fireball to his face” – oh, how I miss that iconic line. As much as I love my Dragonborn in Skyrim, hearing that a former adventurer has been turned to ash because he was a little too cocky fills me with glee.

Many players are expressing their joy at the Skyrim reference in DOOM through Twitter, as the game’s single-player campaign continues to delight. Some are reminiscing about the line, others are making light-hearted references to the RPG game, and one even references The Simpsons.

“Say the line, Bart. Say it,” one user says, referencing the infamous Simpsons quote, “Grandpa, you used to be so cool.”

“‘He used to be an adventurer like you, until he took an imp’s fireball to his face.’ – Skyrim reference found in DOOM,” another user says, followed by the laughing emojis.

Others are referencing other game references, including one from Commander Keen, and possible Dark Souls bonfire.

Some users are finding it interesting that the same texture is used in both Skyrim and DOOM, while others see it as a fun Easter egg.

“I actually find this really cool,” one user says. “Bethesda reused the texture for their own game.”

Another user suggests that the Dragonborn character in Skyrim may not be as saintly as we all thought.

“Skyrim: ‘He was an adventurer just like you, but then he was struck by an arrow to the knee,’” they say.

“Skyrim: ‘He was an adventurer just like you, but then he was struck by an arrow to the knee… and the face,’” another user replies.

As much as I love Skyrim, the idea of the Dragonborn getting a fireball to the face feels right. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from the RPG game, it’s that you should never trust an imp.

If you want to blast your way through DOOM for yourself, you can get the multiplayer beta here, or try the single-player campaign with our DOOM (2016) review.

Alternatively, why not try some of the best new games released this year.

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