Skyrim – Stormcloaks or Imperials, who should you join?

Join the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Legion in Skyrim? Get the lowdown on each faction and make an informed choice.

Skyrim – Stormcloaks or Imperials, who should you join?
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Join the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Legion in Skyrim?

When trying to decide if you should join the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Legion, you’ll likely be asking yourself a few questions. What’s going on with these dragons? And why are there so many bandits in Skyrim? Political turmoil is rife, with the Stormcloaks wanting to secede Skyrim from the Empire, claiming it belongs to the Nords, and the Thalmor trying to extend the turmoil to further their own interests.

Skyrim is a dangerous place, full of bandits, dragons, and political unrest. Who will you join in Skyrim – the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Legion? Both sides have their positives and negatives, and your choice will have a real impact on how you play. We’ve got the lowdown on each faction, the quests you’ll undertake, and the rewards you’ll receive. Read on to find out which of Skyrim’s factions you should join – Stormcloaks or Imperial Legion – and why.

Here’s everything you need to know about Stormcloaks vs Imperials in Skyrim:

Stormcloaks vs Imperials – political factions

The Stormcloaks and Imperial Legion are political factions in Skyrim. They’re both led by powerful men – one of whom you can join as part of your main quest – and each has their own agenda.

The Stormcloaks

The Stormcloaks are led by Ulfric Stormcloak, a capable Nord who happens to have a past as a Thalmor spy. He’s joined by his right-hand man, Galmar Stone-Fist, and a host of other characters.

The Imperials

The Imperials are led by General Tullius, a seasoned commander who has served under the Septim family for many years. He’s opposed to the Thalmor, but is forced to work with them for temporary peace. Tullius is supported by his adjutant, Legate Rikke, and a number of other characters.

Stormcloaks vs Imperials – strengths and weaknesses

The political factions of Skyrim are fairly evenly matched. The Imperials bring stability, trade, and commerce to Skyrim, as well as the might of the Empire’s army. Likewise, the Stormcloaks bring their own sense of morality and don’t torture prisoners like the Imperials do.

However, the Imperials are a powerful faction, while the Stormcloaks are rebels and underdogs, so your choice here depends on whether you prefer to play as the underdog or the powerhouse.

Stormcloaks vs Imperials – strengths

The Stormcloaks preserve Nord customs and cultural identity. They might be xenophobic, but at least they don’t force other races to assimilate. The Stormcloak quests also have a more meaningful and epic feel, with the fate of Skyrim’s citizens in the balance.

Imperial Legion rewards and career advancement are fair and organised. Imperial armour and weapons are also of higher quality compared to Stormcloaks’, but this is balanced by the fact that Stormcloaks’ gear is more unique and suitably rustic.

Stormcloaks vs Imperials – weaknesses

Ousting Jarl Balgruuf is necessary if you want to join the Stormcloaks, but you’ll also have to do this if you join the Imperials. Regardless, it’s not a good look to overthrow a leader of a city-state.

Stormcloaks fight for the right to worship Talos, a god that’s been banned by the Empire. They also want to preserve Nord identity, but their xenophobia might be off-putting.

The Thalmor want to extend the turmoil in Skyrim, but an Imperial victory could be their undoing.

Stormcloaks vs Imperials – final thoughts

The political factions of Skyrim are fairly even, but your choice will depend on your preferred playstyle. Stormcloaks are the underdogs who fight for the rights of the people, but Imperials have the might of the Empire behind them.

When you join either the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Legion, you’ll end up fighting for your chosen faction in the Skyrim Civil War. The war itself caused by the man who wants to be High King of Skyrim, Ulfric Stormcloak, who is also the leader of the Stormcloaks.

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