What Skyrim power would you want in real life?

Users of Reddit's r/skyrim discuss the fantasy RPG game's many abilities and their real-life choices

What Skyrim power would you want in real life?
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

If you could have any power from any game, what would you pick? That’s the question posed by a user on Reddit’s r/Skyrim, a community dedicated to the Fantasy RPG game, and the answers are sure to make you wish you could get your hands on some of the abilities in Skyrim and other games.

There are so many powers in games, but the common thread among most of the answers on r/skyrim is the ability to save and load, or the inventory system from games like Skyrim and Fallout. It would be so nice to be able to undo any mistakes, or redo the best bits over and over again.

Many people choose the well-rested ability from Skyrim – wouldn’t it be nice to always be well rested? Another user suggests the Lover’s Embrace ability, which you get if you share a bed with a spouse, allowing you to never sleep and never need to rest.

“Someone else carry my burdens,” says one user, in a very Skyrim-inspired answer, while another replies with “Someone else carry my Skyrim mods,” highlighting how modding and customisation is such a key part of the game.

There are a lot of superpowers mentioned, with options ranging from the likes of Iron Man-esque abilities like super strength and speed, to abilities like teleportation and the ability to manipulate time – whether it be the ability to do a Fallout 4-style reset, or the more common rewind which is present in so many games.

Some people go for the humour options, like the Blacklight virus from Prototype, which would give you “superhuman abilities and functional immortality” – basically, superhuman abilities and you can’t die. Others go for the more realistic and achievable option of simply respawning, as though you were playing an endless runner game like Temple Run. Some people want endless life, others are a little hesitant about endlessly reliving the same moments. A respawn mechanic that respawns you at the last bed slept in, like an RPG game, is the compromise.

Another popular answer is the spellcasting abilities of a 20th level Pathfinder sorcerer. The user highlights just how much power you can have in that character, and how you can do just about anything – there’s no limit to the things you can do, and you can simply conjure them up, with no restraints on your abilities.

The response to that comes with another user claiming to be a 20th level Pathfinder wizard – the wizard is the more powerful of the two classes, and the user claims that being a wizard gives them even more power, with a level of versatility that surpasses that of a sorcerer.

There’s a lot of answer to this question – a lot of things that you can do in games that you wish you could do in real life. Some people want god mode, others want to be able to manipulate the world, while one user mentions the power of quick step from Dead Rising, allowing you to leap tall buildings with a single step.

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