Baldur's Gate 3 cleric deities and domains

Everything you need to know about the deities you can choose from during the cleric class selection in Baldur's Gate 3, including lore and domains.

Baldur's Gate 3 cleric deities and domains
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Want to know which Baldur’s Gate 3 cleric deities are available in the upcoming RPG game? Unlike the previous game, your cleric’s god is now a choice separate to your cleric subclass. This guide details all the deities you can choose from during cleric class selection, as well as the lore, domains, and races associated with each one.

While we have a lot of information on the cleric class and cleric subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3, we don’t know much about the deities you can worship. During character creation, you’re prompted to choose a deity to worship, which is a change from the previous game which only allowed you to choose a cleric subclass. It’s unclear if this choice affects anything outside of character creation, so we’ll keep you updated with any information we get on the subject.

Baldur’s Gate 3 cleric deities

Here are all the cleric deities you can worship in the game:

  • Selune - Goddess of the moon and stars, associated with the Light and Life domains.
  • Shar - Goddess of darkness and loss, associated with the Grave and Trickery domains.
  • Bahamut - God of justice and good dragons, associated with the Knowledge and Life domains.
  • Tiamat - Goddess of evil dragons and conquest, associated with the Death and War domains.
  • Lolth - Goddess of the Drow, associated with the Death and Trickery domains.
  • Gruumsh - God of orcs, associated with the War domain.
  • Vlaakith - Lich Queen of the Githyanki, associated with the Death and Knowledge domains.
  • Eilistraee - Goddess of good-aligned Drow, associated with the Life and Light domains.
  • Lathander - God of dawn and renewal, associated with the Life domain.
  • Talos - God of storms and destruction, associated with the Tempest domain.
  • Tymora - Goddess of luck and fortune, associated with the Trickery domain.
  • Mielikki - Goddess of forests and nature, associated with the Nature domain.

Each deity has a domain and lore, which can unlock cleric feats. Some races also have specific rules regarding their deity choice. For example, Halfling Clerics must worship Yondalla.

The enmity between Selune and Shar is an important plot point in the series, while Bahamut has a rivalry with the dragon Tiamat. The Drow pantheon is ruled by Lolth, who is the overseer of the Drow subdomain. Gruumsh is the Orcish patron deity, while Vlaakith is the Lich Queen of the Githyanki.

Eilistraee is the goddess of good-aligned Drow, though since you’re human, you can’t choose her as a cleric. She’s the sister of Drow gods Lolth and Selvetarm, who are both villains in the series. Though Lathander is known as the Morninglord, he’s a god of rebirth and renewal, which you might associate more with Eilistraee.

Talos represents destructive forces of nature, which is a good match for the druid subclass. He’s also the patron deity of the Stormcloaks, so if you’re playing a Talos worshipper, you could choose to side with the rebels to overthrow the Thalmor. Tymora is the goddess of fortune and luck, which is a good choice if you’re not sure what you’re doing. Mielikki is the goddess of forests and its creatures, which is good if you’re a ranger.

That’s everything you need to know about the cleric deities in Baldur’s Gate 3. If you’re looking to play as a Cleric, make sure you check out our guide on the cleric class, cleric subclasses, and cleric feats in the upcoming RPG game.

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