Baldur’s Gate 3 – Flaming Fist Marcus strategy

Defeat Flaming Fist Marcus in Baldur's Gate 3 with our expert tips.

Baldur’s Gate 3 – Flaming Fist Marcus strategy
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

How to Defeat Flaming Fist Marcus in Baldur's Gate 3

Marcus, a member of the Flaming Fist, is a powerful human warrior with a penchant for fire. He’s also a danger to the party in the Blackreach area, and can be found at the Last Light Inn. The Last Light Inn serves as your base of operations in the Blackreach area, and Marcus threatens to destroy it and the Harpers who call it home.

After a short conversation, Marcus and his group attack. Split your party into two groups and position them strategically to guard the two entrances to Isobel’s room. The inn is burning and Marcus’s group approaches from the left and right sides. Be prepared to move your party members around as needed. Our recommended party members for this encounter include ranged spellcasters and certain classes.

The Flaming Fist Marcus fight is a challenging encounter and only becomes more difficult as additional Winged Horrors enter the fray. Your party members have high hit rates and deal significant damage, but Marcus has a high armor class and a high hit rate, so he can hit often and deal devastating damage to Isobel. Here’s what you need to know to emerge victorious from this challenging fight.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Flaming Fist Marcus Strategy

Split your party into two groups, with the party members that can deal the most damage or inflict the most status effects in the front of each party. You can also consider using certain classes, such as the Rogue or Bard, in the rear party to heal and support Isobel. Keep in mind that Isobel is a powerful cleric of Selune with access to many useful spells, but you must protect her from damage. She has low natural armor class and doesn’t have the best defensive spells in her arsenal.

Position your ranged party members in the doorways to guard the entrances to Isobel’s room. Since Marcus begins the fight in the center of the room, he will be unable to reach Isobel without taking damage from your ranged attacks. He will prioritize attacking Isobel, but you can deal damage to him using your ranged weapons.

Isobel will be attacked by the Winged Horrors, but your party members should be able to block them from reaching her. The Harpers downstairs are capable adventurers, so you can focus more on Marcus and his group. Eliminate the Winged Horrors quickly using multi-hit attacks to prevent them from buffing themselves.

Split your party as needed to manage the damage against Isobel. She has powerful healing spells and can use Spirit Guardians to protect her and deal damage to enemies simultaneously. Shield of Faith is not useful due to her low natural AC, and Sanctuary is also not effective as she prefers to use Guiding Bolt each round.

Flaming Fist Marcus can be difficult to hit because of his armor class and high hit rate, but he’s vulnerable to status effects. Use spells like Spirit Guardians to protect Isobel and deal damage to enemies simultaneously. You can also use certain classes that inflict status effects, such as the Sorcerer’s Arcane Comet or the Druid’s Entangle.

Flaming Fist Marcus continues to attack Isobel even after the first wave of Winged Horrors is defeated. Work together with your party to defeat Marcus, and deal with any remaining minions downstairs. Loot from Marcus includes a +1 Greatclub and the “Shifting Corpus Ring” that grants free casts of Blur and Invisibility. With Marcus defeated and the items obtained, you can continue your journey with renewed confidence and the safety of the Last Light Inn assured.

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