Baldur’s Gate 3 romances explained

Discover the romance options in Baldur’s Gate 3, including companions and NPCs, and learn how to initiate a romance in the RPG game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 romances explained
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Options

Want to know more about Baldur’s Gate 3 romances? There are plenty of romance options in the game, and though some of these companions are fairly obvious candidates, others may come as a surprise.

The RPG game allows players to engage in romance and relationships with party members and non-party companions. While there are plenty of potential partners in the game, only a few can become a love interest. Gaining the trust and approval of the characters is vital, but how do you go about it? Here is everything you need to know about romance in the RPG game, including Gale and Karlach romance options.

Choices and Approval

Choices you make during dialogue and actions can affect the approval of your party members, as well as non-companions like merchants and important NPCs. Upsetting a character too many times can lead to them leaving the party, but it doesn’t mean the romance is over. Characters who have left the party can be romanced again once they return.

While in a relationship, the game provides notifications for approval or disapproval from your companion, depending on what you say or do. Companion choices also play an important role in a romance, as they can influence how the romance unfolds. For instance, if you romance one character, you may be asked if you want to pursue a relationship with another.

Romancing different characters offers a variety of experiences, but romancing a non-companion is quite different. While the experiences are different, non-companion romances can still lead to intimate encounters.

Romance Candidates

Insight skills can prove quite useful for building trust and progressing in a romance, which is particularly handy if you plan on romancing more than one character. Each character has their own unique personality and preferences, so it’s important to consider these when choosing who to romance.

Here is the list of romanceable characters in Act 1:

In the full game, there are more romanceable characters, including some companions who stay with you throughout the game and others who are non-companion romances.

Here are the romantic options available in Act 2:

And in Act 3:

And finally, the romance options in the expansion packs:

The list above includes all of the romanceable characters in the game, including those companions who haven’t been added to the game yet, like Minsc. While this list was created using the beta, it’s highly likely that these characters will be available in the full version of the game. We will continue to update this list with new characters as they are confirmed.

That’s everything you need to know about the romance options in the upcoming Baldur’s Gate 3 release date game. If you’re looking for something a little more steamy, our best sex games list features all the best adult games that you can play.

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