D&D 5e thri-kreen are the bug-like monsters you never knew you wanted

Introducing Dungeons & Dragons thri-kreen, the creepy bug monsters with multiple arms and exoskeletons.

D&D 5e thri-kreen are the bug-like monsters you never knew you wanted
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Introducing Dungeons & Dragons thri-kreen

Dungeons & Dragons thri-kreen are the new monster species, offering players an alternative to elves and halflings as a new player race. These space cockroaches from the Astral Sea colonized the stars in search of adventures, and players building thri-kreen characters can make unique use of their four arms, handling multiple weapons and casting spells.

Dungeons & Dragons thri-kreen stats

Thri-kreen are medium or small creatures, with a walking speed of 30 feet. Their exoskeletons offer them tough, color-changing defenses. They also have multiple arms that can manipulate objects or wield weapons with the light property.

Chameleon Carapace grants thri-kreen a base Armor Class of 13 + Dexterity modifier, and it grants advantage on Stealth checks. A thri-kreen wearing no armor gains this benefit, but the exoskeleton can be used with armor.

Thri-kreen also possess Darkvision, allowing them to see in dim light and darkness. This vision extends to 120 feet. Thri-kreen do not require sleep and can remain conscious during a long rest.

Thri-kreen can transmit thoughts telepathically to willing creatures within 120 feet. This ability does not affect creatures that have an Intelligence of 3 or lower.

Thri-kreen features

Thri-kreen offer benefits to all classes, but certain classes synergize well with their abilities. Here’s a look at how thri-kreen features work with the different classes.

Rangers can dual-wield and hide behind Chameleon Carapace. Rangers also have access to the new Natural Explorer feature, which thri-kreen can offer a unique take on. While thri-kreen might not ever leave the safety of cities, they can still use their telepathic abilities to scope out areas before their party enters.

Rogues make great use of thri-kreen features. Rogues can maximize damage with advantage on hide checks and benefit from extra arms for weapons.

Fighters not only gain a significant AC boost with dual-wielding weapons and holding a shield, but they also get more benefits from their Second Wind feature, which heals the fighter based on their total armor class.

Paladins can use extra arms for secondary weapons, offering them more abilities to use while holding a shield. Paladins also benefit from dual-wielding, as they can increase their AC.

Barbarians can improve their AC by dual-wielding and using a shield. With their Reckless Attack feature, barbarians also have a better chance of inflicting additional damage.

Bards, specifically martial bards, can dual-wield and use the new Thri-kreen Weapon Training feature to receive an AC boost.

Druids can use extra arms for weapons or spell focus, or improve their AC.

Thri-kreen monster

If thri-kreen stats aren’t enough to interest you, then perhaps the thri-kreen monster details will be.

The thri-kreen thrives in the Astral Sea, colonizing the stars in search of adventure. They communicate telepathically with other humanoid species, as their mandibles are not suitable for verbal communication.

Thri-kreen have tough, color-changing exoskeletons, segmented eyes for dark vision, and multiple arms capable of various tasks. They can see in dim light and darkness, and they possess the ability to transmit thoughts telepathically.

Thri-kreen are intelligent, but they do not rest or sleep. Instead, they remain conscious during a long rest, which they can take eight hours a day.

This monster also has two secondary arms that can manipulate objects or wield weapons with the light property. Thri-kreen do not require sleep and can remain conscious during a long rest.

Thri-kreen monster attacks

Thri-kreen are quite unique compared to other monsters, as they possess a number of abilities not typically seen in Dungeons & Dragons monsters. Their arms grant them abilities to manipulate objects, hide while standing up, or fight with melee weapons.

Thri-kreen monster traits

Thri-kreen are a unique species, and their unique traits are just as interesting. Again, many of these traits are not typically found in Dungeons & Dragons monsters.

Thri-kreen monster weaknesses


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