All Destiny 2 Kinetic weapons

Discover the complete collection of Kinetic weapons in Destiny 2, featuring detailed stats for each firearm.

All Destiny 2 Kinetic weapons
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Comprehensive Collection of Kinetic Weapons in Destiny 2

Curious about the Kinetic weapons in Destiny 2? Kinetic weapons are a versatile type of firearm that deliver consistent damage without any elemental effects. Unlike Energy and Power weapons, Kinetic weapons can be equipped in any slot, making them an essential part of your overall loadout strategy.

When you wield a Kinetic weapon in Destiny 2, you can rely on reliable damage output without the need for elemental effects like arc, solar, or void. While Kinetic guns may have slightly lower range, impact, and utility compared to Power weapons, their flexibility makes them a valuable asset in various activities such as the free PC game and Trials of Osiris.

Discover the complete collection of Kinetic weapons in Destiny 2:

Obtaining Kinetic weapons in Destiny 2 is possible through a variety of activities. Completing quests, participating in Strikes, and looting chests are just a few ways to acquire these coveted firearms. Each Kinetic weapon possesses unique characteristics including rate of fire, range, stability, and impact.

There are different types of Kinetic weapons available in Destiny 2, such as:

  • Auto Rifles
  • Scout Rifles
  • Pulse Rifles
  • Hand Cannons
  • Sidearms
  • Bows

Each type of Kinetic weapon boasts its own strengths and weaknesses. For instance, Auto Rifles may prove effective against formidable bosses, while Hand Cannons excel at taking down enemies with robust health, explosive damage, and shields.

To optimize your loadout for various activities, it is crucial to understand the unique attributes of each Kinetic weapon type.

Here is a comprehensive list of all the Kinetic weapons available in Destiny 2:

Aside from your Kinetic weapons, it is also important to consider your armor. In Destiny 2, there are three types of armor: body, head, and class. Body armor safeguards your vital organs, while head and class armor offer additional benefits.

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