Destiny 2 Extraction Lost Sector guide

A comprehensive guide on how to conquer the challenging Extraction Master Lost Sector in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Extraction Lost Sector guide
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Extraction Master Lost Sector: A Formidable Challenge

Destiny 2's Extraction Master Lost Sector is a notorious activity that requires skilled players to overcome various obstacles and powerful enemies. Originally an easy task, the new version of Extraction is considered the most difficult Lost Sector in the Savathun's Throne World. As one of the trending activities in Destiny 2, it's definitely worth a try. If you're struggling with this formidable challenge, you've come to the right place.

What is the Extraction Master Lost Sector?

The Extraction Master Lost Sector is a regular activity in Destiny 2 that features specific modifiers and enemy types. It also includes a challenging defense section that demands a specific loadout. In this guide, we will walk you through the following topics:

  • Extraction Master Lost Sector walkthrough

For the standard version of Extraction, the modifiers and enemy types are as follows:

The recommended loadout for Hunters is the Arcstrider subclass with Assassin's Cowl for invisibility and Tractor Cannon for melting Champions. Titans can opt for the Striker or Berserker subclass with Jolt for stunning Overload Champions and Touch of Thunder with Pulse Grenades for add slaying. Warlocks can rely on the Shadebinder subclass with the Bleak Watcher Aspect for freezing and shattering enemies.

Be sure to check out our recommended weapons to counter Champions in Destiny 2.

The enemies spawn in the middle of the arena, and the defense section requires capturing three plates while fending off enemy forces. Failure to defend the plates will result in a failed run.

Overload Chieftains appear in the middle of the arena, immediately getting stunned.

After completing the defense section, the final boss, a formidable Lightbearer Wizard, emerges. Utilize the remaining Heavy or Super abilities to defeat it. Remember to break the Wizard's Ghost and loot the Lost Sector chest to successfully finish the run.

That concludes our guide on how to conquer the Extraction Master Lost Sector in Destiny 2. Since the release of the Savathun's Throne DLC, this Lost Sector has gained significant popularity. If you're still working on the season of content, including the Lost Sector locations, be sure to check out our other Savathun's Throne guides.

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