If you're going for the Destiny 2 Ghoul title, you'll have to complete all ten of these Triumphs
Looking to complete the Destiny 2 Ghoul title? The Ghosts of the Deep dungeon is one of the game’s most difficult endgame activities yet, and if you’re going to make it through, you’ll need to complete ten Triumphs first. These are some of the most challenging tasks you can undertake in Bungie’s space game, and going above and beyond could net you some excellent weapons and stunning armor too.
If you’re willing to go soloing dungeons or beating Master content, getting the Ghoul title might be right up your alley. Here’s how to complete all of its Triumphs, providing tips and strategies for each. As with any dungeon title, we’re going to assume you’ve already completed the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon. One of its Triumphs doesn’t have any conditions tied to it, but later ones tied to the Ghoul title will require you to complete it solo, on Master, and with a particular subclasses – we’ll make note of these as we go along.
How to get the Ghoul title in Destiny 2
The Ghoul title is a collection of ten Triumphs related to Ghosts of the Deep. As such, you’ll only be able to get it after completing the dungeon.
Here are all ten Ghoul title Triumphs:
Alone in the Deep
This one is fairly straightforward – complete all the encounters in the “Ghosts of the Deep” dungeon solo, without leaving the activity. It’s worth noting that you can leave the dungeon to switch to a different class or to respec, but you can’t leave the activity once you’ve started it.
Legend of Acrius is perfect for the Ecthar boss fight. The long range on his shotguns makes it easy to chip away at the boss’s health while staying just out of reach. Arbalest instantly breaks Simmumah’s shields, and even if it doesn’t kill her right away, Cataclysmic will. If you’re having trouble with Simmumah, use the perk that makes your super last longer. It’s so good that we recommend you use it for the entire dungeon.
For Ecthar, you can use any weapon that hits hard and fast. Arcstrider is easy to use for the first two encounters because you’re fighting other Guardians, but you’ll need to switch to something else for the final fight. For that, we recommend Titan’s Sunbreaker for its massive damage potential. If you’re a Warlock, you can make virtually any subclass work, but we’re going to recommend Dawnblade for one reason: Well of Radiance. It gives you infinite grenades, which is a big help in the final boss fight.
The Trinity
Shock Rise
Fire Hazard
Abyssal Void
One of a Kind
In Memoriam
Ghosts of the Deep
That’s it, you’ve now completed the Destiny 2 Ghoul title and all that remains is to go back, take on the dungeon at a more leisurely pace, and listen to all the game’s best Destiny 2 Lightfall and Ghost Quips, as you work on the In Memoriam and Ghosts of the Deep badges.